Whether you're conducting a fraud investigation, enforcing a legal judgment, or initiating divorce proceedings, online research is an essential part of any asset investigation. In this course, Marcy Phelps, investigator and Certified Fraud Examiner, covers the role of online research in asset investigations, best practices for avoiding the pitfalls of online information, and strategies for selecting the best sources and avoiding gaps in coverage.

Discover your options for identifying assets when you can't access financial records directly or if the numbers just don't add up. At the end of this course, you will know how to gather and analyze the information you need for creating financial, lifestyle, and business profiles that can be used for uncovering hidden and hard-to-find assets and making decisions about next actions.

Course Key Concepts: Fraud investigations, Investigative research, Public records, Database searching, Asset investigations, Online research, Court searching, Internet searching, Research skills, Due diligence.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore the role of online research in asset investigations.
  • Recognize the challenges of online asset research and how to avoid them.
  • Identify the types of sources for online asset research, what they offer, and what to know about them before getting started.
  • Discover a strategy for online asset research that will help manage challenges, save time, and avoid gaps in coverage.
Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
3 Reviews (9 ratings)


Member's Profile
This Course - "Beyond the Balance Sheet" presented by Marcy Phelps, CFE, was a pleasure to participate and learn from. Presented on a great platform thru ILLUMEO, Introductions, and Overviews were demonstrated in a clear and objective manner, with encouraging and educational commentary from Marcy Phelps, CFE. Valuable Strategy Steps were provided throughout the process and I look forward to participating in the next course! John Temblador, CPI, CIPA - Remnant Investigations LLC.

Anonymous Author
Not involved in this field, but in combination with the course on online research, this one provides a good deal of insight into how to locate assets. The idea to use a VPN and use a search engine from a different location was something I hadn't thought of before.

Anonymous Author
Through presentation of information. Easy to understand and follow.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Beyond the Balance Sheet: Strategies for Finding Financial Assets Online2:26
  The Role of Online Research7:46
  Challenges of Online Asset Research15:46
  Online Asset Research-Sources9:48
  Online Asset Research-Strategy8:08
  Step 1 - Identification6:12
  Step 2 - Business Entities6:30
  Step 3 - Assets9:46
  Step 4 - Liabilities6:24
  Step 5 - Courts8:56
  Step 6 - Web Search9:40
  Step 7 - Analysis and Reporting4:40
  Beyond the Balance Sheet: Strategies for Finding Financial Assets Online1:37:32
  Slides: Beyond the Balance Sheet: Strategies for Finding Financial Assets OnlinePDF
  Beyond the Balance Sheet: Strategies for Finding Financial Assets Online Glossary/ IndexPDF