Have you ever struggled with leading your team to generate the results you want?  Leaders often struggle with knowing what results they want to produce, but not knowing how to get their team on board, especially if what they know to do hasn’t worked in the past.  Does it ever feel like your only options are to beg your team or to bulldoze them?  Neither is effective.

In this course, we identify two different styles of leadership- creative and reactive and discover where you spend most of your time.  We dive deeper to understand what is driving our leadership behavior and our human desire to be liked, and learn ways to practice powerful leadership and team building.  Finally, we cover the tools and techniques for having more successful one-on-one meetings with their team. 

Learning Objectives
  • Identify and recognize reactive and creative leadership styles
  • Discover what is driving our leadership behavior and our desire to be liked.
  • Discover techniques for practicing powerful leadership while building and maintaining relationships.
  • Explore new tools for having successful one-on-one meetings with your team.


Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
191 Reviews (733 ratings)


Member's Profile
Not a ton of groundbreaking information for anyone that has studied leadership, but the "reactive" vs "creative" leadership type was a useful framework with a fresh perspective. One thing that surprised me was the commonalities between the two opposing leadership types. It was encouraging to hear that if you have been a reactive leader, it is never too late to shift to creative; it is a process. Another interesting perspective was that being a big picture leader is not just a "type" of leader (contrasted to a detail-oriented one), it is actually a pre-requisite to being a creative leader.

Anonymous Author
The content is good but the format of the review/exam questions could be enhanced. Questions about the subject matter focused on the student trying to remember which sub-topic was associated with what buzz word/term in the presentation. Since this presentation seemed to be more of something I'd see in a seminar, I think a better way to test someone's understanding would be to ask questions in a scenario format, where the student's response truly tests their understanding or whether they internalized the concepts.

Anonymous Author
Thank you, the course is an eye opener. I think its a course for all people who are in leadership big and small teams. I was shocked to learn i have been a reactive kind of leader and some of the things which look obvious have not been that obvious. Like when i, as i leader focus on myself and not the team. When i have strugled to give feedback for fear of not being liked only to give it when am angry at them.

Anonymous Author
Erin challenged me to look inside myself and truly understand why I manage the way I do. She also gave me helpful ideas on how I can take the focus off those personal fears that sometimes drive my management style and put it on the bigger picture of my team. The from “me” to “we” focus makes more sense and Erin illustrates that perfectly.

Anonymous Author
This course provided an excellent overview of different leadership types as well as the significance of establishing trust when building/nurturing highly-effective and healthy relationships in the workplace. The facilitator presented content in an engaging manner, coupled with good supporting materials to reiterate key concepts.

Member's Profile
This is a great and informative course! I have personally gained a lot of training and tips, as someone who is not yet a supervisor but is looking to progress within my current role and team. I recognise a lot of the qualities in my manager, and have a deep respect for how much goes into managing a team.

Member's Profile
I found this presentation to be insightful as well as informative. I appreciated the presenters approach to the subject. She was able to present the information with a personal approach. She provided realistic tools for success instead of buzz words and trite "solutions".

Member's Profile
Really enjoyed the interactive style of the presentation with the handout where the presenter ask the questions but really encouraged me to think about what drives my leadership style as well as providing tools and tips for changing my mindset to become a Creative Leader.

Anonymous Author
Nice class and is very relevant in our current group setting. The key characteristics are right on point, I was this was a requirement of all mangers to take. It's a self-reflection class, it will help me moving forward as something you forget your own management style.

Anonymous Author
New supervisors/managers would benefit from this course. It's a good reminder for the experienced leader as well with the quote: People will never forget how you made them feel'. We need to be self aware of how we come across and be mindful of the impact to others.

Member's Profile
Really liked discussion around the two types of leadership and the characteristics of each. Good guidance from presenter in terms of focusing on one of two qualities to improve over the next 6 months. Overall a very practical session that anyone can benefit from.

Anonymous Author
Very informative on how to be an effective leader. I like how it got to specifics how reactive leaders are fear based leaders. I know now that I must put those fears aside and shift my mentality to a team mentality as opposed to thinking of myself.

Member's Profile
This course gives some thoughtful insight to your personal approach to build a positive team approach to work. This is a good course for beginners or for leaders that are having a difficult time building trust from colleagues and direct reports.

Member's Profile
This course included some great information for both new and seasoned leaders. Many of us forget some of the fundamentals of leadership, this course is great for anyone leading/managing a team, irrespective of seniority.

Anonymous Author
This course was a wonderful balance of theory and concrete action items. It was very helpful to understand the why behind the reactive leadership style and some practical ways we can move more toward creative leadership.

Anonymous Author
Leading and building relationships was the most liked portion of this presentation. Being authentic and a creative leader is something I strive to do well. Thanks for the questions that need to be asked of your team.

Member's Profile
This course provided good review of leadership skills. The course helped me identify my leadership skills and provided examples of how to improve them. I look forward to additional courses by this instructor.

Member's Profile
She showed how absolute power and being a doormat are more alike than similar, which makes it easier to understand the weaknesses of those leadership styles and what causes them. Defining that was critical.

Anonymous Author
It seemed that MS.ERIN was very nice. She was very experienced in her field and could help me solve a lot of problems in my style of leadership. I will apply what she taught me in the course to my work.

Member's Profile
Good course. It's hard to cover a lot of detail within 45 minutes. I personally liked the last half of the course as it has good feedback and tools that can be used to help improve leadership skills.

Anonymous Author
The category of reactive and creative leadership types was eye-opening. Knowing these two types is essential for navigating the manager-employee relationship as optimally as possible. Thank you Erin

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course. It was a powerful reminder of how setting intentions to support and grow your staff when giving feedback, is impactful and can ease nervousness going into such meetings.

Anonymous Author
The course is informative in a sense that it is full of information about being a leader and building relationship with others. Also, it helps you understand different types of leadership.

Anonymous Author
An informative course on how to become an effective leader. It provides techniques and applications on practicing leadership while building and maintaining good working relationship.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting course. Simple, yet full of information. Would take another class similar to this. Deceptively informative.Instructor was a little nasalie, but you'll get over it

Member's Profile
The course was very well written and provided great insight into leadership skills. Even though I have been in leadership positions for several years, I learned some new concepts.

Anonymous Author
Showing the differences between the leadership styles was key to understanding where you are as a leader and what to work on to become one that will make an impact to the team.

Anonymous Author
This course was interesting and there were some eye opening points but I believe that there are further issues that need to be addressed in order to change leadership styles.

Member's Profile
Decent baseline introduction to having the tools to balance likeability and leadership - partners well with other courses for dealing with colleagues, superiors and the rest.

Anonymous Author
Practical thoughts that you can use immediately. If you truly wish to learn from this course, you should be open to a true assessment of your own triggers and drivers.

Anonymous Author
I liked that the course provided simple actionable items that I could do to improve relationships with my employees. A common sense approach to being a better leader.

Member's Profile
Great for new managers/supervisors. Learn how to better handle meetings and tips for creating an environment where feedback can be provided in a comfortable way.

Anonymous Author
While a 1 hour course could never teach a holistic view of leadership, this course provided some interesting perspective on balancing leadership and likability.

Anonymous Author
Presenter provides examples and self reflection prompts to identify your default leadership style. Also provided are w/ suggestions on how to balance this out.

Member's Profile
Good training for managers. Nothing ground-breaking, but simple concepts that are still good reminders. Has very similar points that are made in other training.

Member's Profile
This course provides good approach for being an effective leader. It's a great start and, as Erin said, is a process that will take time to really take hold.

Member's Profile
I thought the course was rather high level, but the points about building trust and selecting neutral settings when giving challenging feedback was helpful.

Anonymous Author
This was a good discussion of different leadership styles and also comes with a worksheet to help you figure out your own style and come up with takeaways.

Anonymous Author
This was a very helpful course. While I am not a manager, this provided insight into a new perspective and had tools that are universal to any position.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful with explaining the 2 leadership styles. Although I feel there should be several more and not just the 2 that are opposites of each other.

Member's Profile
It is really a nice course foe professional who are in leadership position and handling a team .I advise to take this course by all leaders.

Anonymous Author
I found this to be a helpful training that is strongest in the final third of the course where it focuses on what actions you should take.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed the take away for me of the importance of a leader looking ahead to the future instead of focusing on what happened in the past.

Anonymous Author
Several of the ideas as they relate to millennials and how to create a positive environment for learning and improving was informative.

Member's Profile
This course provides great advice and guidance on skills, traits, and qualities to be aware ofnwhen developing your leadership style.

Member's Profile
I liked the pick one or two things that will make the biggest difference and take 6-12 months to ingrain it into your leadership style.

Member's Profile
This course helped me give me insight into the type of leadership qualities I possess and what I need to try and change going forward.

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed this course. I am not a manager, but it helps me understand management styles, and what I can do to to stay on track.

Member's Profile
Very helpful information that pertained to what it takes to be a good leader, but also offers the negatives that should be avoided.

Anonymous Author
This was a good presentation. I liked the practical suggestions given on how to conduct effective feedback meetings. Thanks Erin.

Member's Profile
Erin was great at presenting the content. Thoroughly enjoyed the content she presented and definitely have some great takeaways.

Member's Profile
This was a good presentation, the material provided will also be helpful moving forwarded. I will view this presentation again.

Member's Profile
This course outlines ways to rethink how you are perceived in every moment you interact with team members. Highly Recommend

Member's Profile
Interesting and particular. It could be more focused and pay attention not only to leaders but also to the other team member

Anonymous Author
was ok, yet it assumes manager is correct and has best interest at heart of conversations....good for starting conversation

Anonymous Author
I liked the idea that the 2 extremes of leadership were actually fairly similar in terms of what causes each: namely fear.

Member's Profile
Good refresher with relevant content. Highlighting fear/insecurity as a driver for reactive leadership was quite salient.

Member's Profile
I thought it was helpful, if very general. There were some good things I can use to self-evaluate and hopefully implement.

Anonymous Author
Very good course with very important practical applications for persons who are still working on their leadership skills.

Anonymous Author
I felt that this course gave me helpful insight into my own leadership capabilities as I continue to progress in my role.

Anonymous Author
Very well put together. East to see how it applies to my position and many great suggestions for leading a team better

Anonymous Author
Good, quick overview. Some of the points seem obvious but it is worth it to go over them, even if you knew them before.

Member's Profile
Very insightful and great suggestions for creating a mutually beneficial relationship between leader and subordinates.

Member's Profile
Good course, basic but good points to remember about setting goals of what you want out of a meeting before you go in.

Anonymous Author
The course was useful but somewhat light on content. I would have liked it to be enriched by including more examples.

Anonymous Author
This is a simple course that brings attention to some characteristics that are important for strong leadership skills.

Member's Profile
I found that the course material is information I already know. I do not agree that poor leadership is due to fear.

Member's Profile
good balance of ideas... i am wondering if there is something more advanced on this topic in this course selection.

Member's Profile
Good insights into different managing styles and what works and what doesn't. Helpful tools to bring about change.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course covering leadership styles and practical examples and techniques to more effectively lead teams.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful and relative to various types of leaders. Will help me before I step into my next meeting for sure.

Member's Profile
This course makes so much sense! It really gets down to the nuts and bolts of being an effective leader. Bravo!

Member's Profile
I thought the meeting questions were helpful and I plan to use them. I also liked the speaker's voice and pace.

Anonymous Author
Especially appreciated the suggestions for feedback and meetings at the end of the presentation. Thanks Erin.

Anonymous Author
Sound principles that I and some of my previous leaders who I highly respect have adhered to. Good presentation

Anonymous Author
I highly recommend newly promoted managers who don't have a lot of leadership experience to take this course.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the trust talk. This instructor gave a good amount of examples and was able to keep me interested.

Anonymous Author
First time supervisors and new manager would get the most from this course. It is interesting and engaging.

Anonymous Author
Some people just aren't great managers and lack the common knowledge even taught in this course to improve.

Member's Profile
Good introduction course for new managers. It is a one hour course, so it is hard to go in depth on topics.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed learning about this subject as it sheds light on prior leadership flaws of my bosses and myself.

Member's Profile
Erin presented great content and asked questions so that you as the student could relate to that content.

Member's Profile
Lots of good information. It was the perfect amount of time. Leader was engaging and easy to listen to.

Anonymous Author
Very basic content about leadership. A good presentation, but no new concepts, but always good to review.

Member's Profile
Good insight into leadership qualities and good application on how to become more effective as a leader.

Anonymous Author
Terrific understanding of what drives ineffective leaders and how to make changes to be more effective

Anonymous Author
This course is helpful context and I would recommend to anyone in a leadership or managerial position.

Anonymous Author
I liked how she engaged the audience and asked us to think about how this effects our everyday life.

Member's Profile
Great information. Reinforces ideas we all learn at a young age but seem to forget as we get older.

Anonymous Author
This course was very thought provoking and provided valuable tools for conducting feedback sessions.

Member's Profile
Knowing how to balance leadership and likability is important at all levels of work in the office.

Member's Profile
useful course to understand different leadership styles and to improve one own's leadership skills

Anonymous Author
great quick review of leadership styles. helpful in reviewing how not to be as a people manager

Anonymous Author
Easy read and offers good tips - will use the worksheet for preparing before my next one-on-one

Anonymous Author
The course was a nice reminder but nothing I haven't heard before. It was worth listening to.

Anonymous Author
This course provides some useful tools for young managers or those new to a people leadership.

Anonymous Author
I liked that she went over the information at the end of the course to give you a refresher.

Member's Profile
A very fresh and informative perspective on leader ship and likability. An excellent course!

Anonymous Author
This course is good for everyone, and all certifications since this is a leadership course.

Anonymous Author
A very insightful and thought provoking course, extremely well presented. Take this course!

Member's Profile
Good points on creative vs. reactive leadership. See issues or problems before they occur!

Member's Profile
I like how you could apply many topics in this course to real life managerial situations.

Member's Profile
I think this course is very valuable in the workplace and will benefit people immensely.

Member's Profile
basic and intuitive. prefer more research based data to support and make more powerful.

Member's Profile
This course is more suited to new Manager's. Most of the material is common sense.

Anonymous Author
This was a good training course explaining the fears leaders have and how to develop

Member's Profile
This was an informative and enjoyable course that met all of the objectives listed.

Member's Profile
This training instigated personal reflection and a few ah-ha moments. Thank you.

Member's Profile
This was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

Anonymous Author
Excellent content and insight into what drives the two (2) leadership extremes.

Anonymous Author
Course was succinct and informative. Material was straight forward fundamental.

Member's Profile
I found this course to be very helpful. It was very simple and easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Good high level overview of subject matter. Helpful to leaders of all levels.

Member's Profile
Great overview on leadership and balancing it out with perceptions of others.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyed how this course provided some action items with the lessons learned.

Member's Profile
This was helpful and the tips on having effective meetings was most valuable.

Anonymous Author
Clear descriptions of different leadership styles and practical suggestions.

Anonymous Author
Good course - great reminders to follow in order to be an effective leader.

Anonymous Author
A quick, easy to follow course explaining creative leadership vs reactive.

Anonymous Author
Great content and handout to help interact with the objectives presented.

Anonymous Author
Practical. Focused on ideas and concepts that can be used for everyone.

Member's Profile
Refreshing course on leadership with great narrative by the instructor.

Anonymous Author
Good lecture on accessing own personalty relative to leadership traits.

Member's Profile
Interesting way of looking at management skills. Recommend taking.

Member's Profile
Good common sense advice on what it takes to be a more creative leader

Member's Profile
Excellent course with and insightful and balanced view of leadership.

Anonymous Author
very helpful, many take aways that can be applied to daily situations

Anonymous Author
Good course that shows and discusses the basics of leadership styles.

Member's Profile
Great course! Want to see more courses from this Erin in the future.

Member's Profile
This was an enjoyable course, some new perspectives to think about.

Member's Profile
Good course, well designed and fit the time with content very well.

Member's Profile
Excellent material and presentation. I really enjoyed this course.

Member's Profile
Title is pretty self explanatory - good tips on balance the two!

Anonymous Author
Simple enough concept, but makes sense. Thanks for info and tools

Member's Profile
Engaging and interesting presentation. I enjoyed it very much.

Member's Profile
Great course. Helped me reflect on my staff development efforts.

Member's Profile
Well laid out and easy to remember. Handouts were very helpful

Member's Profile
Learned about the 2 types of leaders - reactive and creative.

Member's Profile
Speaks to the issues I face daily managing my accounting team.

Member's Profile
Very helpful in understanding how to balance leadership styles.

Anonymous Author
Interesting content, very useful. Plan to implement with staff

Anonymous Author
I wasn't impressed with the content or delivery of the course.

Anonymous Author
Would have benefitted from more content on the subject matter

Member's Profile
detailed coverage of key points on Leadership and likeability

Member's Profile
Very informative and easy to follow along with the presenter

Anonymous Author
I appreciate the tips for the human side of being a manager.

Anonymous Author
Helpful course for anyone trying to become a better leader

Anonymous Author
Ideas are common sense - difficulty is in executing them.

Member's Profile
A well presented and concise review of management style.

Member's Profile
I thought this was a great reminder and valuable class.

Member's Profile
inconsistent application of course material to questions

Member's Profile
Great slides and great examples. Very well explained.

Anonymous Author
This course was very helpful and I recommend for others

Member's Profile
This was a good course. The instructor presented well.

Member's Profile
Lots of common sense tips we often forget to consider.

Member's Profile
Fairly basic overview of leadership. Common sense.

Member's Profile
Gave specific pointers for constructive leadershop.

Anonymous Author
Information provided good insight and suggestions.

Member's Profile
I thought the course had relevant and good advice

Anonymous Author
Excellent concepts for group discussion as well!

Member's Profile
Simple strategies, easy to remember and apply.

Member's Profile
Easy to follow basic tenants and insightful

Anonymous Author
ok course, fairly basic, weak powerpoint

Anonymous Author
Great view from a different perspective.

Member's Profile
Clear, concise material and delivery

Anonymous Author
Good tips to making better leaders!

Member's Profile
Excellent course for new managers

Anonymous Author
Easy to understand and valuable

Member's Profile
Good reminders for all leaders.

Member's Profile
Simple and straight-forward.

Member's Profile
Very informative webinar.

Member's Profile
Direct and informative.

Member's Profile
Very helpful insights!

Anonymous Author
Thought provoking.

Member's Profile
A little be slow.

Anonymous Author
Very practical.

Anonymous Author
Made me think.

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author
great course

Anonymous Author
Very helpful

Member's Profile
Good topic.

Anonymous Author
good course

Member's Profile
very clear

Member's Profile
Thank you!

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Leadership & Likeability
  Two Extremes 7:09
  Leadership Types 9:53
  Mind shift and What Do You Choose?6:48
  Leading and Building Relationships 9:36
  Tools for Feedback and Meetings 7:44
  Balancing Leadership & Likeability43:58
  Slides: Balancing Leadership & LikeabilityPDF
  Balancing Leadership & Likability Glossary/IndexPDF
  Workbook: Leadership & Likeability PDF