Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are just two of thousands of emerging solutions to create friction-less global transactions between counter-parties. Additionally, cryptocurrencies are positioning themselves to become the “new gold” of the modern world as a store of value and immune from geo-political risk.

The rise and fall of cryptocurrency prices has not deterred interest in the technology or the space, but is leading to ever more practical, accessible and useful applications of blockchain technology.

This course uses several case studies to illustrate the audit and ethical considerations in the newly emerging sector. Few accountants and auditors are conversant with cryptocurrency technology and this course is designed to improve your level of awareness and deepen your understanding of issues associated with issuing an audit opinion for clients in this space.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore the applications of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies
  • Identify the audit consideration factors for client acceptance and continuance
  • Identify and address specific audit risks unique to cryptocurrency transactions and balances
  • Recognize ethical issues arising that may arise while working in a new sector that has few regulations and undefined rules.
Last updated/reviewed: March 13, 2024
9 Reviews (41 ratings)


Member's Profile
A good, real life example of a crypto business gone awry to give auditors some tangible notion on what audit risks to consider when taking on a client with cryptocurrency activity.

Anonymous Author
The course was not only informative, but very entertaining. This was a good introduction to crypto and blockchain.

Member's Profile
This was a very interesting way to discuss audit risks and at the same time do a case study on Quadriga CX.

Anonymous Author
The course was very insightful. I have a better understanding of cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Anonymous Author
I now have a better understanding of cryptocurrency. The example was perfect for the topic!

Member's Profile
Blair did a fantastic job with this course. It was engaging and informative.

Anonymous Author
This is a good introduction to Cryptocurrency for a beginner.

Member's Profile
Great course, I would recommend this course to others.

Anonymous Author
Great introductory course that covers ethics well.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Audit and Ethical Considerations in Cryptocurrency - The Quadriga Quandary3:18
  Cryptocurrency Businesses6:27
  Cryptocurrency 101 6:55
  Blockchain 10110:04
  The Rise of Cryptocurrency7:53
  Audit Client Acceptance Issues7:05
  Quadriga Quandary: An Ethical Dilemma 7:07
  Unique Audit Risks Arising in Cryptocurrency10:44
  The Slow Demise of Quadriga7:55
  The Case of Cotton's Missing Coins7:26
Continuous Play
  Ethical and Audit Considerations of Cryptocurrency1:14:50
Supporting Materials
  Slides: Audit and Ethical Considerations in Cryptocurrency – The Quadriga QuandaryPDF
  Audit and Ethical Considerations in Cryptocurrency – The Quadriga Quandary Glossary/IndexPDF
Review And Test