Proper documentation is essential to a high-quality audit, as auditors are required to prepare and maintain documentation to demonstrate that sufficient and appropriate audit evidence was obtained to support the auditor’s opinion. It is critical for workpapers to provide a clear understanding of the nature, timing, and extent of procedures applied, the results of those procedures, source of evidence obtained, and conclusions reached. Both audit effectiveness and efficiency are directly impacted by the nature and extent of audit documentation.

Major Topics:

  • Proper documentation as a means of audit quality
  • Factors impacting the nature and extent of documentation
  • Sample workpaper index and other organization tips
  • Use of audit programs as means of audit documentation
  • Checklist for self-review of workpapers and clearing review notes
  • Multiple exercises on identifying workpaper deficiencies
Learning Objectives
  • Discover and discuss the minimum documentation requirements of the audit standards.
  • Identify and discuss tips and techniques for self-review.
  • Recognize and describe common workpaper deficiencies.
  • Explore and explain how to prepare workpapers in proper form.
Last updated/reviewed: March 15, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesAudit Training Certification - Level 1 - Beginning Staff

  1. Professional Skepticism - Creating a Mindset for Finding Fraud and Error
  2. Audit Documentation - Creating Workpapers That Pass Review
  3. Adapting to the Engagement - Differentiating the Requirements of Preparations, Compilations, Reviews, and Audits
  4. The Audit Risk Model - Understanding Foundational Principles
  5. Internal Control Fundamentals - Satisfying Audit Requirements for Evaluating Design and Implementation
  6. Auditing Cash - Applying Basic Skills to the Starting Point of Any Audit
  7. Auditing PP&E, Including Leases under Topic 842 - Digesting the Risks of Improper Treatment of Tangible Long-Lived Assets
  8. Auditing Inventory - Performing Required Observations and Other Common Procedures
  9. Analytical Procedures - Comprehending Financial Statement Audit Fundamentals
  10. Audit Reporting Fundamentals - Introducing Core Concepts in the Audited Financial Statement Drafting and Issuance Process
  11. AICPAs Code of Professional Conduct - Exploring the Foundational Principles Underlying the CPA Profession as a Whole
  12. Accounting Update - Hot Topics for Preparing Current Period Financial Statements
  13. Auditing & Attest Update - Hot Topics for Current Period Audits and Other Attest Services
32 Reviews (110 ratings)


Member's Profile
This course provided the necessary steps in completed efficient and effective workpapers. Further the extent of details required as well as the formatting necessary to make it more transparent to individual reviewed the workpapers. I especially liked the sample workpapers with how to improve them.

Anonymous Author
This course provides valuable insights into preparing clear and effective audit workpapers. It offers practical guidance on ensuring documentation meets review standards, which is crucial for maintaining audit quality. Highly recommend for auditors seeking to enhance their documentation skills!

Anonymous Author
My exposure to audit documentation comes from the perspective of a tax preparer so it was very helpful to have a better understanding of what are common questions and procedures auditors conduct during an audit review. Instructor made it easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher on work paper documentation requirements and tips. So often we put in a lot of hours into testing but then fail to properly document and retain the work done. This course does a good job of highlighting the importance of self-review.

Anonymous Author
Jennifer provides useful insight on how to document audit work papers. Key takeaways are that work papers should be labeled correctly, referenced, and necessary. No use to write more work papers than needed! I liked this course.

Anonymous Author
This course was very helpful in identifying the reasons that work papers are necessary, the formatting of the work papers, and real examples of work papers. Overall I thought the way this module was set up was very helpful.

Member's Profile
I am not an auditor, but I supply documents to auditors for my clients. This provided good insight on what auditors are looking for and what I may be able to do to get them out of my office quicker!

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course as a refresher to purpose and procedure of creating work papers and documenting a lot of procedures in a way that meets the standard of the profession.

Member's Profile
Audit documentation is an inherently critical component of the audit process, and the material is a great introduction for the principles of quality documentation.

Member's Profile
good course. thanks for the jokes. the course moved smoothly and the speaker was clear and concise. she came off trustworthy. thanks for the notes.

Member's Profile
Well presented course going back to the basics. Great review and good for anyone wanting to understand the basics of audit documentation.

Anonymous Author
Liked the material in this course. Would be a good course for people to take when they first start their journey into public accounting.

Member's Profile
very good course and well articulated. Great slides on depicting inadequate workpapers and how they could be amended to make better.

Member's Profile
Great information for a non audit position to see the requirements and need on documents. Can help to plan for when an audit happens.

Anonymous Author
Very good presentation of what can be a difficult area to understand. Lots of examples of actual audit documentation and tickmarks.

Member's Profile
This was, without a doubt, one of the best courses I've taken on this platform. I'm going to strongly recommend it to my employees.

Member's Profile
Good course which lays out key principles regarding audit documention. Good set of questions included in the final quizz.

Anonymous Author
The course was easy to follow and informative. The objectives that were outlined by the syllabus were covered adequately.

Anonymous Author
This was a thorough and detailed course and I will be reviewing the material from time to time. Highly recommend.

Anonymous Author
As an auditor, this class had lots of good reminders for an efficient audit. Reasonable test questions as well.

Anonymous Author
Good introduction to preparing and maintaining audit documentation, especially good for a new auditor

Anonymous Author
The course was very informative and helpful for new auditors that are first year into their career.

Anonymous Author
I liked how the course was laid out with questions at the end over sections throughout the lesson.

Member's Profile
This course was very helpful in understanding the level of documentation required during an audit

Anonymous Author
Pace is very fast for ghis difgicult topic. Maybe more animation and example with real siftware.

Anonymous Author
Well-timed course, informative and interesting. Examples helped to round out the course.

Member's Profile
This course was engaging and a good refresher. I enjoyed the content and the instructor.

Anonymous Author
The instructor explicitly explain the concepts of audit documentation and important.

Anonymous Author
Good review of documentation for all auditors inpublic accounting

Anonymous Author
Good presentations. I expected a bit more practical exercises.

Anonymous Author
This was a great review of what is needed for working papers.

Anonymous Author
This is a good review for my audit skills. Thank you!

Course Complexity: Foundational
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.
Designed For: Professionals who prepare audit or review audit workpapers.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Learning Objectives for Audit Documentation0:42
  Introduction to Audit Documentation - Creating Workpapers That Pass Review18:32
  More About Audit Documentation9:13
  Filing and Indexing6:19
  Audit Programs as Documentation5:05
  Formatting of Workpapers16:10
  Workpaper Examples13:00
  Exercises in Identifying Workpaper Deficiencies12:03
  Checklist for Self-Review6:30
  Clearing Review Notes4:17
  Strategies for Efficient and Effective Documentation7:58
Continuous Play
  Audit Documentation - Creating Workpapers That Pass Review1:39:49
Supporting Materials
  Slides: Audit Documentation - Creating Workpapers That Pass ReviewPDF
  Audit Documentation - Creating Workpapers That Pass Review Glossary/IndexPDF
Review And Test