
How Angels Invest

101 Enrolled
1 Hour (On-Demand)
1 CPE  

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When entrepreneurs decide they want funding from angels, their mutual interests are often misinterpreted by each other.  The entrepreneur usually has a few short minutes to present their unique business plan, including how much money is needed, and then convince the angel they will make a desired return in an acceptable time frame.  Only with an effective presentation does the entrepreneur have the greatest potential of attracting funding. 

The author’s experience, as an active angel investor, is that many entrepreneurs are unable to explain what is required to get angels to fund their idea.  The huge entrepreneurial effort in creating a new business idea should then be motivation to study how to design and practice a pitch that resonates.  This course will prepare the entrepreneur for what the angel needs to hear that will attract funding most successfully. 

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the relationship and performance that angels and entrepreneurs can expect when working together.
  • Identify a 6 step process that emphasizes the importance and priority of due diligence.
  • Identify the data that is required during due diligence and how it will be listed and prioritized
  • Identify the essentials of a pitch that resonates with the angel 
Last updated/reviewed: March 19, 2024
17 Reviews (57 ratings)


Member's Profile
Great presentation!!! It shed some great ideas about angel funding and how entrepreneurs can take advantage of the opportunity for creating a win-win situation.

Member's Profile
Mr. Martin's was a little dry, but he did present a lot of interesting information. He obviously has a lot of valuable experience and I learned quite a bit.

Member's Profile
Helpful course to understand the mindset of angel investors and what a "normal" process and set of expectations look like. Well done overall.

Anonymous Author
Unfortunately, I found this presentation very dry and all over the place. It did not flow well and found it hard to stay interested.

Member's Profile
A very good course but presentation should include more details apart from simple English. May be case studies should be there

Member's Profile
Well structured insights from an experienced insider. Piqued my interest to learn yet more about angel investing.

Member's Profile
Thanks for going into the Due Diligence process. Other podcasts and presentations have only focused on the pitch.

Member's Profile
Quite informative about the process of raising funds through an angel. Liked details and added comments.

Member's Profile
Nice inside perspective of private investors. Presentation easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Excellent summary of how Angles think and what motivates them to act

Anonymous Author
A bit dry, but a decent course for those interested in the subject

Anonymous Author
Interesting process for presenting to angels

Member's Profile
Good overview, audio a bit muted at times

Anonymous Author
Thorough review of the subject

Anonymous Author
Great presentation.

Anonymous Author
Good content.

Anonymous Author
Good course.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Exposure to corporate finance

Advanced Preparation: None

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  6 Steps for Angels Performing Due Diligence10:53
  Making Your Pitch Resonate with Angels6:51
  Data You Will Need to Collect13:40
  The Best Due Diligence Produces Funding11:51
  Slides: How Angels InvestPDF
  How Angels Invest Glossary/IndexPDF