This course provides an overview of the accounting for software, including both internal-use software as well as software that will be sold to third parties. The accounting, reporting, and disclosure requirements related to software depends on the nature of the software, and whether it will be used internally by an entity or will be marketed to its customers. For internal-use software, the guidance is prescribed by ASC Topic 350-40. On the other hand, the guidance related to software to be marketed and sold is prescribed by ASC Topic 985-20.
Learning Objectives
- Discover and distinguish between software that is considered internal-use and not considered internal-use.
- Recognize how implementation costs are accounted for in various stages of software development.
- Identify when capitalization and amortization should commence.
- Recognize how implementation costs of hosting arrangements are accounted for differently Introduction.
Last updated/reviewed: March 22, 2024
6 Reviews (42 ratings)
Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA
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Kelen CamehlCPA, MBA