In this course we discuss the three ways you can be taken more seriously by potential buyers, specifically in those first few moments when you meet them.
We begin by addressing one of most salespeople's biggest 'awkward' moments: Transitioning from chit chat and thinking 'we like each other' to becoming the salesperson who switches to business mode. This leads to a discussion surrounding 'why you are here' and 'why they will benefit'. Finally we roll out some key questions you can ask and how that translates into being respected as a business person who sells.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the rapport building stage of a conversation from a conscious level and a subconscious level.
- Identify how chit chat can be wrong and how it can be perfect
- Discover the difference between rapport building and relationship building
Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA
For more information regarding this course, including complaint and
cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to

Bernadette McClellandDirector and Founder