This course discusses estate planning and estate taxes and the tools that are available for estate planning and will define the benefits of using each tool.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and describe estate taxes and the purpose of estate taxes according to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
  • Identify the various types of trusts that can be used for estate planning.
  • Recognize what is included in the gross estate of a decedent.
Last updated/reviewed: August 26, 2024
43 Reviews (185 ratings)


Member's Profile
Course was very informative. Could be improved by adding more clarifying examples and explanations and less reading of bullet points. Also, beginning with the last few minutes of the Trust and Estates Section and continuing through the end of the course, the audio and slides are out of sync. Finally, principal (as in principal and interest) is misspelled as "principle" in numerous instances.

Anonymous Author
I think the course 1. should include the slideshows with the supporting materials and 2. The last section - "Gifts Splitting and Estate Taxes and Conclusion" - the audio does not tie with the slides shown. Overall, hard topic to cover but did the best they can do with all the information provided (best I have seen it done)

Member's Profile
Very valuable course providing a detailed overview of various types of trusts. Course includes discussion on tax matter, including gifting and many other factors affecting trust creation, gifting and estate matters. Useful for accountants, attorneys or financial planners working with high net worth families.

Anonymous Author
In the last couple of sections the slides don't line up with the narrative. The use of diagrams would have been helpful to have included in the slides versus only words. It would have been great if the slide deck used was available as a PDF for reference.

Anonymous Author
This program is very well done. The foundational material to understand Estate Tax is presented in a easy to follow path. I would recommend this course to all accountants to gain knowledge of the topic or as a review. Good instructor.

Member's Profile
The main problem with the course is that the supporting materials did not include the very important notes to the lecture. This major study guide is not available and therefore the course has less value

Member's Profile
This course was thorough and explained all the types of trusts with the advantages and disadvantages associated with each. I highly recommend if you have an interest in the topic.

Member's Profile
The course was comprehensive and explained all terms and trust theory well. Unfortunately, toward the end the slides were out of sequence and there were some typos.

Anonymous Author
The course was very informative providing a detailed overview of various types of trusts and estate planning but was a little bit dry with not many real life examples.

Anonymous Author
This has been my least favorite Illumeo course. This course was more law and less accounting. In addition, there are no slides to reference to for later review.

Anonymous Author
I liked this course. It is kind of textbook course but overall good. I would like to see more examples from cases from real life about application of the course.

Member's Profile
Dry voice and hard to listen to; but, informative and a good review of the different lingo that is used regarding Trusts and Estate planning.

Anonymous Author
This course certainly covered a lot of ground, but it would have been helpful to have examples and clarification on difficult topics.

Member's Profile
This was a good introduction to estate taxes. It was easy to follow along and the instructor was clear and concise in his explanation.

Anonymous Author
The material in this course is good but I would have liked to have been able to download a more detailed supporting material package.

Anonymous Author
A good introduction to estate planning tools and related taxes though the slides need to be updated to be in sync with the audio.

Anonymous Author
Good that the course covered a lot of ground, but as mentioned by other reviewers, the slides did not sync with the lecture.

Anonymous Author
Clear overview of the process involved when an individual passes away and the various estate planning options available.

Anonymous Author
Very informative and clear. I thought it was a good overview of the subject matter that was my specialty at one point.

Member's Profile
Good course. Advanced nicely from basic content to more complex topics. Test was fair … not too hard or too easy.

Member's Profile
Felt like the guy was reading from a book and in the last section the slides didn't line up with what he was saying

Anonymous Author
Solid course. Areas of improvement could be to include more examples and slides/audio updated for the current year.

Anonymous Author
Good introduction course to the difficult and complicated aspects of estate planning, geared towards fiscal 2023

Member's Profile
I appreciated how specific and long the exam was, truly testing my comprehensive understanding of the topics

Member's Profile
Great refresher on estate taxes and rules. Andrew did a good job of making this digestible and interesting.

Anonymous Author
Good Information. Presenter reads from slides. But it threw me off when verbal and slides didn't match up.

Anonymous Author
Solid entry level course - all review for professionals already familiar with estates and trusts

Member's Profile
Would have been better if more examples of how the different types of trusts are commonly used

Anonymous Author
Great instructor and slides. Very easy to understand and would highly recommend the course.

Member's Profile
This is good as a basic course, but not really for any detailed knowledge on estate taxes.

Member's Profile
Good useful information, although the speaker sounded like he was just reading a script.

Anonymous Author
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it to any business professional.

Member's Profile
helpful and relevant information. easy to understna.d should include slides.

Anonymous Author
good course, a lot of good information provided verbally and not in slides.

Anonymous Author
The date material updates were all over the place - ranging from 2021-2023.

Anonymous Author
Excellent cadence, and informative for my first introduction to Trust.

Anonymous Author
Would like more scenarios when discussing the different types of trusts.

Anonymous Author
The course was well organized and the materials were easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Lot of good information presented clearly. Slides were fairly good.

Member's Profile
questions poorly written - many errors in the review questions.

Anonymous Author
Good course. Slides do not match presentation in last section.

Anonymous Author
this course was helpful. Could have been better with examples

Anonymous Author
Great information. I can't wait to take the next sections.

Course Complexity: Advanced

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Estate Taxes Part 118:08
  Trusts Part 120:58
  Trusts Part 216:56
  Trusts Part 324:24
  Trusts and Estates21:22
  Gift Splitting and Estate Taxes and Conclusion29:32
  Estate Taxes Part 12:28:04
  Slides: 2024 Estate Taxes Part 1PDF
  2024 Estate Taxes Part 1 GlossaryPDF