4 Corporate

Learning Trends to Watch for in 2019

4 Corporate Learning Trends to Watch for in 2019As we move into 2019, we must consider the trends that are impacting the corporate learning industry. Corporate learning is an essential part of any successful company — and a pricey one, with companies spending nearly $20 million on training in 2019. So what trends can we expect this year?

Mobile Learning

Reports show that nearly 95% of all Americans own a cellphone of some kind, which is why mobile learning continues to become more popular. It allows employees to learn on the go, taking advantage of every free moment. Companies are able to create their own (or purchase white label) apps, allowing them to create entire curriculums that can be accessed via mobile device. Some companies even offer gamified systems to increase the interest of their employees! But there are so many options to mobile learning: e-books, video series, interactive quizzes — they all offer employees the ability to learn from the comfort of their phones.

Continuous Learning

With the increased use of mobile learning, it stands to reason that continuous learning will be another trend in 2019. Both personally and professionally, employees will likely be seeking resources to better themselves. Internally, companies can provide a wide variety of resources and training to keep employees growing and improving their skills. But companies can also provide guidance on types of resources employees could turn to outside the organization. Podcasts, audiobooks, and things like the Great Courses provide everyone the opportunity to learn and expand their mind while simultaneously doing things like commuting, laundry, or exercising.

Customized Learning

This trend is only becoming more common each year. Historically, companies offered limited training options. Every employee went through the same seminars, watched the same videos, and learned the same skills. But as the cost of customized learning decreases, more companies are looking to expand the training options. By letting employees choose what kind of training is best suited for them, they’re able to only spend time on trainings that are relevant to them. This ensures they avoid wasting time on trainings that aren’t applicable to them, making them more productive — and likely, happier!


While the first three are mostly technology related, this trend takes it back to the good ol’ days of storytelling. In fact, the rise of storytelling might be the result of so many learning options. Because mobile learning often strives to get the point across succinctly, it can feel a little disjointed — and as such, employees may struggle to retain the information they learn. But using storytelling devices bring the information to life. Using narrative to get the point across helps employees better understand what they are learning. Telling real stories of customers or other employees is more effective than a standard Powerpoint presentation full of bullet points.

These four trends can be used individually, but employing all four in your company is the best way to create a culture of learning and build a base of employees who truly value learning.