Impact Monitoring, Identifying Your Audience, and the Correct Reporting Standard10:43
  GRI Vs. SASB Vs. IRIS12:17
  IRIS and Key Takeaways9:04
  Slides: Selecting MetricsPDF
  Practical ApplicationPDF
  Selecting Metrics Glossary/IndexPDF

In this course we explore the differences (and commonalities) among various Social and Environmental reporting standards and their metrics systems.  You will understand why you want to identify, monitor and report social and environmental impact, and who your intended audience will be, as well as answer which stakeholder groups you should include.

We start with a comparison of the four most often referenced reporting standards/organizations and the metrics they use.  This leads into a conversation about which standards, certifications, and frameworks are most appropriate for your organization and why.  By the end, you will be able to discriminate among which system(s)/metrics are most appropriate for the organizations you work with.   

This course represents the second level in this area of study, Accounting for Sustainability: to comply with SEC requirements.  This series is designed to give accounting and finance professionals an:

  • overview,
  • immediate application, and
  • specific steps…

To investigate, select, and implement a sustainability reporting program for your company or your client.

Learning Objectives
  • Evaluate why you want to select/report metrics
  • Determine who your audience is
  • Discover which reporting standards’ metrics apply to you:
    • GRI-4
    • SASB
    • B-Corp
    • IRIS
  • Explore which metrics are most important for your purpose
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
4 Reviews (16 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I'm so happy to see this course offering. I believe reporting on social and environmental impact will become more common going forward and this is a good introduction.

Member's Profile
A great course in a new topic that becomes more relevant every day. Full of professional insight as well as motivation, this is a great beginners corse on this topic.

Member's Profile
I had no idea this field was so highly developed at this stage. Enlightening exploration of sustainability reporting methodologies and requirements.

Anonymous Author
Helpful to see all the various standards side-by-side.

Course Complexity: Advanced

Prerequisite: Experience with regulatory reporting and I recommend completing the introductory course, Accounting for Sustainability: to comply with SEC requirements in advance, or spending at least 3 hours visiting the following websites and familiarizing yourself with value proposition each one has to offer:


Advanced Preparation: None


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .