This course is for anyone involved in fundraising for their organization. From a start-up seeking investments all the way to a not-for-profit seeking donations – board members, finance executives and other executives are involved not just in the final decisions, but every step of the way.
What can you gain – and what do you have to give away? Who gets a seat on the board? How much “people power” does it take to work your fund-raiser? What are some ideas for fund-raisers and which is right for my needs? What are grantors looking for? All these and more will be discussed in this extensive course.
This is a stand-alone course, over two hours in length – and is also the seventh and last course in the series: Mastering Board of Directors Participation.
The Investment section reminds you that there are stages and levels of fund-raising and each might require a slightly different approach but all require a quid pro quo.
The donation section quotes heavily from Dr. Diamond’s book: The “Please” and “Thank You” of Fund-Raising for Non-Profits: Fifteen Essential Ingredients for Success and each of the 15 ingredients is discussed.
The ingredients are:
- Have a powerful and emotionally compelling mission
- Proven Ability to Execute
- Charismatic Leadership
- Fund-raising: Long Term Relationships
- Manage Staff and Volunteers
- Esprit de Corps
- Do your research
- Small Donors become large Donors
- Create the buzz – Public Relations
- ASK – The “Please”
- ASK them to invest with you
- Create Energizing and Exciting Events (a lot of suggestions)
- Loop around and do it again
- The “Thank You”
- Excellence Counts
Although the examples in the 15 Ingredients are primarily for non-profits, the information offered is valuable for seeking investments, managing associations, or even finding and keeping volunteers.
Learning Objectives
- Explore many different ways to hold events
- Discover that writing grants uses similar techniques to modifying a resume when applying for a job
- Recognize the board’s role in raising money
- Identify which of these many examples works for your organization
- Discover that you must give to get – all requests for money should have a quid pro quo
- Recognize that sometimes hiring a professional fund-raider yields more net profit
- Identify decisions you might have to make about yielding a seat on the board to a major investor.
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
10 CoursesMastering Board of Directors Participation Certification
- Types of Boards and Expected Level of Participation in Each
- Integrating and Training Your Board Member
- Assertiveness Skills for Executives, Managers and HR Professionals
- Preparing to Be on a Board
- Board Participation
- Creating Rewards and Recognitions that Get You What You Want to Achieve
- Volunteers Working Together
- Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Management of Meetings, Committees and Boards
- Raising Funds: Investments – Donations – Events – Grants
7 Reviews (29 ratings)
- No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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