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This course builds off of segment one on whistleblower hotlines. Segment one reviewed the history and regulations important to understand when operating hotlines.
Organizations manage the hotline process in various ways. There is no single method that can be pointed to as leading practice for all organizations. Companies must evaluate their own capabilities, processes and culture to determine the best method to manage and handle the hotline. This includes determining whether the operation of the hotline will be insourced or outsourced.
This segment further evaluates information regarding operation of the hotline, managing of information and investigating hotline calls.
Learning Objectives
- Explore Managing hotlines
- Recognize the concept of Outsourcing vs. Insourcing
- Identify Operational Procedures
- Explore strengthening hotlines
- Explore whistleblower rights
- Identify Investigation tactics
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
13 CoursesEthical Leadership Certification
- History of Ethics
- Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2
- COSO 2013 Control Environment
- Today’s Corporate Ethical Culture - An updated course
- Managing Through Corporate Politics
- Real World Business Ethics Scenarios
- Relationship between Ethics, Morality, and the Law
- Impact of Ethics on Leadership
- Framework for Ethical Decision Making
- Keys to an Effective Code of Conduct
- Keys to Understanding Conflicts of Interest
- Whistleblower Hotlines - History and Regulations
- Whistleblower Hotlines - Effective Management
15 CoursesManagement Oversight, Analysis and Internal Controls Certification
- Management Internal Control Essentials
- Comprehensive Examination of COSO 2013: Components and Principles
- Keys to an Effective Code of Conduct
- Fraud Risk Assessments
- Enterprise Risk Management 101
- Identifying and Implementing the Proper Balance of Internal Controls
- Information Technology (IT) Controls in Emerging Business Environments
- Analyzing Financial Ratios - Solvency, Liquidity and Debt
- Analyzing Financial Ratios - Leverage
- Effectively Managing and Controlling Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Expenses
- Keys to Understanding Conflicts of Interest
- Documentation Methods For Internal Control Processes
- Segregation of Duties for Core Business Processes
- Professional Skepticism - Keys to Maintaining
- Whistleblower Hotlines - Effective Management
17 Reviews (65 ratings)
No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course but viewing the other course in this series is recommended.
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