COVID-19 has had an unprecedent impact on the world in a short time. The rapid advance of the virus has resulted in rapid response actions by businesses and the government to mitigate further spread. More questions than answers exist from all aspects of how this pandemic will affect our personal and professional lives.

Businesses must navigate the financial and operational challenges of COVID while rapidly addressing the needs of their people, customers and suppliers. The pandemic continues to evolve. Now’s the time to shift focus to efforts that support a return to work, while addressing needed changes in the months ahead.

In this course we will discuss how organizations can begin making that shift - from mobilizing during this time, to stabilizing in the new environment and strategizing for what’s next.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover how to move beyond crisis management.
  • Recognize how to mobilize and Stabilizing the workforce.
  • Identify how to sustain operations and supply chain.
  • Explore how to manage finance and liquidity.
  • Identify how to address tax, trade and liquidity.
  • Recognize how to stabilize strategy and brand.
  • Discover how to assess COVID financial impairment.
  • Explore how to prepare for the next crisis.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
17 Reviews (83 ratings)


Member's Profile
Having lived through more than two years of Covid, it was nice to take a course on what should be done to remediate the pandemics effect and compare with what we did. I am happy to say that we did about 90% of was suggested and curiously that is what I scored on the final exam. Thanks Lynn I enjoyed the course. Larry

Member's Profile
I appreciated the wide range of issues covered, as well as the reminder to customize/tailor stakeholder communications. However, I wish I had taken this course as and when it was released. The coronavirus crisis is a constantly changing situation, so I am looking forward to an updated edition.

Anonymous Author
A lot of good points were brought up relating to all areas of the business that need to be thought about in a crisis. Crisis planning is key but being able to reassess and adapt it just as important. thinking about the next crisis is something I hadn't considered but was also a good topic.

Member's Profile
The course is an eye opener. The behind the scene efforts are important for a businesses to stay focus, resilience in the wake of Covid-19. I recommend this course for those seeking ways to recovered. Great course!

Anonymous Author
Course was thorough and instructor was knowledgeable. Do not like exams which has responses such as "a & c" or none of the above.

Anonymous Author
Interesting and critical items to consider post-pandemic. I liked the suggestions about the new normal going forward.

Anonymous Author
No rocket science here - just basic common sense - didn't really learn much here - very vauge with limited specifics.

Anonymous Author
This was a very thought-provoking course. I especially enjoyed the discussion on preparing for the next crisis.

Anonymous Author
Found this presentation very word heavy and harder to hold interest although topics relevant and useful.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of basic approaches and concepts for business continuity in the pandemic environment.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course with many good things to think about as we all recover from the pandemic.

Anonymous Author
Great foundation for how to effectively manage business during a crisis/covid.

Anonymous Author
Informative and provided suggestions and alternatives with explanations.

Anonymous Author
This course was helpful given the environment we are operating in today.

Anonymous Author
Cogent information and learning in this critical time, well presented.

Anonymous Author
Great class, very relevant to the times with helpful information

Anonymous Author
Thank you for the great overview and upbeat presentation!

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Recovery After COVID5:10
  Crisis Management12:47
  Operations and Supply10:00
  Operations and Supply Cont'd9:24
  Communication and Customers/Revenue and Focus on Data5:52
  Risk Management and Cashflow6:20
  Tax Trade and Regulatory11:24
  Strategy and Brand6:18
  Preparing for The Next Crisis6:28
  Final Resilience and Summary3:15
  Recovery After COVID1:25:33
  Slides: Recovery After COVIDPDF
  Recovery After COVID Glossary/ IndexPDF