This course provides a comprehensive foundation for understanding all aspects of International Trade in a global context. This is the first of four-part collection, covering the key principles, concepts, infrastructures, practices, issues, and current developments in the world of International Trade Finance.

Part 1 deals with Trade Finance Instruments, and covers:

  • The underlying operations and processes in the international trade environment.
  • How trade finance is provided.
  • The difference between pre- and post-shipment financing.
  • The different forms/instruments of trade finance.

Although the full collection is divided into four distinct courses, which together form a complete picture of international trade, its various instruments, its operations and its financing, each part may be studied as a stand-alone unit.

This course is of special interest to banking, business, and import/export professionals who wish to expand their knowledge base as well as enhance their expertise and advance their careers in or gain a deeper understanding of the international trade finance arena.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

4 CoursesInternational Trade Finance

  1. International Trade - Part 1: Trade Finance Instruments
  2. International Trade - Part 2 - Payment Instruments
  3. International Trade - Part 3 – International Payment Systems
  4. International Trade - Part 4 – Supply Chain Finance
Learning Objectives
  • Discover the processes used in international trade finance.
  • Identify the differences between pre- and post-shipment financing.
  • Explore the instruments used in international trade finance.
  • Discover the different trade finance instruments.
Last updated/reviewed: March 15, 2024
10 Reviews (35 ratings)


Member's Profile
The instructor is good to explain the process flow and terms that I have been struggled with. For the parts that are new to me; I need to replay the module a few times to catch the points . If more illustrations (e.g. examples, case study) is given, it might be help to apply the concept learnt to a case

Anonymous Author
Well organized, detailed enough on the topic of Trade Finance Instruments. Highly recommended! Thanks Stanley

Member's Profile
Very helpful. I have reviewed this material before, but it was great to get a refresher on it.

Member's Profile
interesting basic intro to terms and terminology, useful legal understanding of contracts

Anonymous Author
Covers the stated material well. Nothing more exciting about the course than this.

Member's Profile
Great introductory course to International Trade Finance and related processes.

Member's Profile
I was curious about this topic, and this lesson provided a good overview.

Member's Profile
A good introduction for those interested in international trade subjects.

Anonymous Author
I am not sure that this countning rank % is correct or not.

Anonymous Author
basic intro to international trade terms and wording

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to International Trade 3:38
  What is Trade Finance?2:40
  Trade Finance & Trade Payments3:06
  Tools of International Trade Finance8:59
  Forms of International Trade Finance9:29
  Documents & Mechanisms13:19
  Documents and Mechanisms Continued & Conclusion9:11
  International Trade - Part 1 - Trade Finance Instruments 50:24
  SLIDES: International Trade - Part 1: Trade Finance InstrumentsPDF
  International Trade - Part 1: Trade Finance Instruments Glossary/IndexPDF