In this comprehensive presentation, Excel expert David Ringstrom, CPA, demonstrates how many Excel functions and features can be used to create adaptable and easy-to-maintain budget spreadsheets. David explains how to separate inputs from calculations, build out a separate calculations spreadsheet, create both an operating and a cash flow budget, transform filtering tasks, preserve key formulas, and more.  

David demonstrates every technique at least twice: first, on a PowerPoint slide with numbered steps, and second, in Excel 2016. He’ll draw to your attention any differences in Excel 2013, 2010, or 2007 during the presentation as well as in his detailed handouts. David also provides an Excel workbook that includes most of the examples he uses during the webcast.

Topics covered:

  • Understanding the use of the MONTH function to return the month portion of a date or month name.
  • Preserving key formulas using hide and protect features.
  • Learning how the Table feature empowers you to improve the integrity of Excel spreadsheets.
  • Building formulas faster by way of the Use in Formula command.
  • Using range names to streamline formulas and bookmark key inputs within a workbook.
  • Understanding why it’s worthwhile to build out supporting schedules to break down calculations used in budgets.
  • Improving the integrity of spreadsheets with Excel’s VLOOKUP function.
  • Building operating budgets quickly based on detailed supporting schedules that provide an audit trail.
  • Avoiding the complexity of nested IF statements with Excel’s CHOOSE function.
  • Accessing free downloadable budget templates that can be customized as needed.
Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the purpose of the Use In Formula command.
  • Discover what SUMIF returns if a match cannot be found.
  • Identify the data integrity improvement that the Table feature adds to VLOOKUP.
Last updated/reviewed: March 23, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

17 CoursesExcel Modeler Certification

  1. Excel Efficiency: VLOOKUP
  2. Excel Efficiency: Logic Functions
  3. Excel Efficiency: Filtering and Formatting Data
  4. Excel Efficiency: Intermediate Pivot Tables
  5. Excel Efficiency: Auditing Spreadsheets
  6. Excel Efficiency: Minimizing Worksheet Errors
  7. Excel Efficiency: Workbook Links
  8. Excel Efficiency: What-If Analysis in Microsoft Excel
  9. Excel Efficiency: Quick and Easy Financial Statements in Excel
  10. Excel Efficiency: Budget Spreadsheets
  11. Hands-On Excel: Waterfall Calculations
  12. Excel Efficiency: Table Feature
  13. Excel Efficiency: Intro to Macros Part 1
  14. Excel Efficiency: Intro to Macros Part 2
  15. Excel Efficiency: Excel Chart Speed Tips
  16. Excel Efficiency: Taming Large Spreadsheets
  17. Excel Efficiency: Internal Controls
64 Reviews (258 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course was very informative and easy to follow. The instructor gave clear instructions on each feature in Excel, and I plan to use many of the techniques I learned to my work in practice. When viewing each module separately (i.e. not on "Continuous Play"), I noticed some of the video editing could be improved. For example, certain modules cut off abruptly and some small amount of content was repeated between the end of one module and the beginning of the next. Overall, however, it was a very good Excel learning tutorial!

Member's Profile
This lecturer really knows his subject. I'll admit that this topic was a bit basic for my Excel experience, but he still brought me to a couple of functions that I hadn't really used before, particularly "CHOOSE". It was also great to get a look at some different ideas for building your budget spreadsheet -- that is, another way of solving a problem that you might have solved but could do better.

Anonymous Author
David is an EXCELLENT teacher. He provides the spreadsheets so you can practice alongside his instruction, his pace is easy to keep up with, and the slides show you the exact steps you need to take to accomplish a task. This presentation was highly informative and I learned a lot of functionalities about excel that I didn't know.

Anonymous Author
Great course - excellent video lessons and very thorough supporting materials that you can take with you and use in everyday processes. Highly recommend for anyone looking to up their excel game or get a refresher on commonly used formulas!

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course on excel efficiency, mainly because of the detailed examples, showing the attendees the details in power point slides, but then also doing demonstrations in excel directly. The course was well organized and thorough.

Member's Profile
David did a fantastic job on this course. He was very detailed and went at the perfect speed to ensure anyone following along would not get lost or confused. I would definitely recommend this course to my co-workers.

Anonymous Author
This course was kind of complicated for me but I had learn new tools that I can apply in my data work. Thank you instructor David Ringstrom, for the great material that you provided to make the topics easy .

Anonymous Author
This course provides practical tips for budget calculations and helped increase my understanding of formulas such as Choose. The use of Range Names seems to help make formula creation easier.

Anonymous Author
This is helpful, even 6 years after the date on the powerpoint. I haven't used the name feature or Choose function before,, so those will be helpful. Other parts I was familiar with already.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Stated prerequisite requirements were appropriate and sufficient. Program materials were relevant and contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives.

Member's Profile
Similar to David's other courses, instruction was clear and concise. Not only will this help build a solid budget, but a few neat shortcuts and formulas are presented as well.

Member's Profile
great course. introduced some functions with which I had limited experience, and broadened my appreciation for the application of functions I already use frequently.

Anonymous Author
Great course and overview of excel functions which make budgeting worksheets easy to manage. The CHOOSE function was very helpful in place of nested IF formulas.

Member's Profile
Great instructor with useful tips on efficiency - not necessarily new but better. Also I was unfamiliar with CHOOSE function but the rest were good refreshers.

Anonymous Author
This is a very intro level course on creating a budget workbook, but it is certainly a good start if you are inexperienced with budget workbooks and excel.

Member's Profile
This was a great class to learn tips & tricks of Excel. It's less about the concepts of budgeting and more about how to utilize Excel in the exercise.

Member's Profile
Excellent presentation of the building blocks for putting together a solid budget model. Introduction of some very good best practices to follow.

Anonymous Author
Great examples of commonly used formulas that I really needed to learn. Thanks for great slides with screen shots to follow step by step.

Member's Profile
Great excel intro class. Will be using this information frequently. I think this will allow me to be faster and more efficient/accurate.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
This course has a lot of helpful tips and tricks in it for formulas and setting up spreadsheets in general as well as for budgets.

Member's Profile
The course was informative as I have not used range names before. Otherwise, the course is pretty basic excel formulas and skills.

Anonymous Author
Very useful information on the finer points of using range names, formula functions, and VLOOKUP to build budget spreadsheets.

Member's Profile
The instructor gave a lot of good tools and explained them easily. I will definitely use the new shortcuts and formulas.

Member's Profile
Great introduction to Range tables, name ranges, and streamlining the budget worksheet preparation (great shortcuts)

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course and have already implemented the coding tips into our cash flow forecast and budget template.

Anonymous Author
I like the concept of this course. The course is long, had to pause the course and come back to it several times.

Member's Profile
Oh so many excel tricks. Thanks for this presentation. Will definitely be able to use some of these functions.

Member's Profile
Liked the instructor. Very clear and articulated the course material. This should help in my day to day work.

Anonymous Author
Good course with excellent examples. I will be using more range names based on what I learned in this course.

Anonymous Author
This class offered many helpful tips and formulas for budget preparation and general Excel maximization.

Anonymous Author
A terrific course providing good insights into preparing a budget. The instructor moved at a good pace

Anonymous Author
This was a very helpful course, I really enjoyed learning new functions to take advantage of in Excel

Anonymous Author
I like the ease of the way things were explained. I also like the way the course was structured.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher content for those of us to now review rather than prepare spreadsheet analyses.

Member's Profile
Step-by-step guide to Excel functions! Very organized and covers each function at least twice!

Member's Profile
Nice course. The instructor does a great job of presenting this particularly useful material.

Anonymous Author
This was very helpful. I have already started to use some of these tools into my daily use.

Member's Profile
Very effective teaching style in addition to excellent supporting materials for future use.

Anonymous Author
Excel review on formulas, etc. Introduction to the necessary formulas for budgeting, etc.

Anonymous Author
Overall, was hoping course would have included example templates that were more useful.

Anonymous Author
David's courses are always great. Learned a great trick for getting the month number.

Anonymous Author
Course provides a good overview of excel functions that can be used to build a budget.

Member's Profile
Good use of the many techniques David has taught in his other lessons. Very useful.

Anonymous Author
This course is very easy to follow and the tip to get the budget template is great.

Anonymous Author
Good organization with summary first, then showing how works, then summarize again.

Anonymous Author
Love theses courses! So many helpful tips would recommend to anyone using budgets

Member's Profile
Quick straight forward review of commonly used functions in budget spreadsheets

Anonymous Author
Great Course of Excel Efficiency : Budget Spreadsheets which added value to me

Anonymous Author
Well designed excel training that made budget management quicker and easier.

Anonymous Author
This course was great. It taught me some useful things. Thank you very much.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful tips, will save a ton of time in the long run. Choose is cool.

Anonymous Author
Good course. Easy and simple to understand. Objective completed thank you.

Anonymous Author
Don't like that there is a minimun of 50 characters for the survey review.

Anonymous Author
It was a good refresher course on excel functions. Very detailed notes.

Anonymous Author
Good material, easy to follow. Presented in a clear and concise way.

Member's Profile
Great course. Very useful info to automate and error proof budgets

Anonymous Author
The course material was presented in a clear and concise manner.

Member's Profile
Lots of useful information. Very well organized and presented.

Member's Profile
very good course, good presentation and pertinent information

Anonymous Author
Excellent way of presenting the course in an effective way

Member's Profile
Excellent basic overview of writing formulas for budgeting

Member's Profile
very good excel learning course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member's Profile
Informative, straightforward, and very useful course!

Course Complexity: Foundational

Program Prerequisites: Previous Experience with Excel Spreadsheets

Advance Preparation: None

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Excel Efficiency: Budget Spreadsheets5:38
  Create Range Names - Create from Selection6:32
  Create Range Names - Name Box8:46
  Table Feature8:43
  Use in Formula Feature7:05
  Supporting Schedule Formulas9:01
  Collections Ratio7:59
  Collections Ratio - MONTH Function10:40
  Incorrect Collections Amounts Approach7:28
  Collections Amounts - SUMIF Function9:39
  Protect Sheet - Supporting Schedules8:21
  Excel Efficiency: Budget Spreadsheets1:40:07
  Slides: Excel Efficiency: Budget SpreadsheetsPDF
  Excel Efficiency: Budget Spreadsheets Glossary/IndexPDF
  Cash Flow Budget - BlankXLSB
  Workbook: Excel Efficiency: Budget SpreadsheetsXLSX