Being a true leader is never easy. Even with hundreds of leadership resources, being in a management role can be complicated. Add the concept of ethics into the equation and leadership is risen to the next level.

Leadership is challenging; from an emotionally driven decision to purely profit oriented ones, leaders today face the dilemma of finding the right balance. Ethical leadership means more than acting ethically on the surface. It involves business decision making and strategic direction that doesn’t put individuals and businesses in a compromise with ethical standards.

Will there ever be an answer for unethical behavior? The world is comprised of many cultures, religions, and beliefs. This diversity is what makes defining ethics and instilling ethical conduct in the workplace a difficult task. If the business world is going to advance the cause towards ethics, individuals must understand the traits and skills that an ethical leader should exhibit.

Sources Consulted:

Learning Objectives
  • Overview of Ethical Leadership.
  • Explore and evaluate the meaning of the term “ethics” and “unethical” as it pertains to leaders.
  • Identify variance between traits/skills.
  • Explore traits and skills of the ethical leader.
  • Discover and examine components of ethical leadership.
  • Discover what ethical leaders DO NOT do.
  • Explore and evaluate how to become an ethical leader.
  • Explore actions of the ethical leader.
  • Recognize and examine ideas to apply to encourage ethical leadership.
Last updated/reviewed: March 6, 2024
292 Reviews (1434 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Very good training on Ethical leader offering a different perspective on the Ethics topic. Very good trainer.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed learning about ethical leadership and how I can cultivate this in myself and team.

Member's Profile
Good content. Thanks for putting this together. Love the real-world examples.

Anonymous Author
The course effectively communicated objectives and actions when becoming an ethical leader. I appreciate the course separating traits and skills and placing a focus on those individually. The objectives were clearly stated and accomplished throughout the course. Goals of an ethical leader was a great summary portion that effectively ended the learning course and brought it to a close while also establishing some best practices and things an ethical leader should be doing.

Anonymous Author
The distinguishing between traits and skills seems important because we all know that person who just seems to be a good leader but we don't know why, and this helps define some of the reasons why and what can be done in our own paths to become better leaders. Also, I appreciated the stress on a leader's obligation to be humble in ways like listening to others, knowing when to step aside, etc.

Anonymous Author
Presenter made this ethics course enjoyable and relatable. Examples and references to personal experiences conjured up similar scenarios from my own life. I think this course would be great for anyone who is trying to advance and may be struggling to understand why they're being passed over. This will foster some reflection and perhaps self-growth if you see yourself in the mirror!

Anonymous Author
This was a great course and I liked the way the instructor provided examples of ethical behavior. Also that she emphasized trying to understand the other person's point of view, ie during covid understanding that some people felt vaccination requirements were an infringement on civil liberties. It's always good to try to understand views of others that differ from your own.

Anonymous Author
This course provided an excellent overview of ethical leadership in the workplace, including the distinction between traits and skills. Lynn's courses are always informative, insightful, and relevant in today's workplace; she does an amazing job of providing easy-to-reference supporting materials to further reiterate key concepts.

Anonymous Author
Ethical conduct arises from both inherent traits and learned behavior, but neither are due to or can be cajoled from taking CPE courses. I think American society was more ethical before the 1960s. The reasons why would be an interesting topic of academic study. Here's some info: DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.20314.70081

Anonymous Author
this course might seem a bit disjointed and havng too many items presented in ad hoc way but overall the message is clear and the simple format helps to keep things easy to understand and allows the student to think about the various aspects to ethics without getting too philosophical

Member's Profile
I thoroughly enjoyed this Ethics course, especially the quotes, which were included by varied leaders from different walks of life--diversity among the quotes. This course was very thorough and provided much to ponder and incorporate in both life and the work environment.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. It's a good reminder on how important Ethics is in any level of an organization and how to make sure it's at the forefront. The instructor always does a great job between keeping the course interesting and adding some personal stories.

Anonymous Author
I thought this was a great course. I am so used to taking courses about the technical side of ethical decisions it was nice to take something different. Talking about traits and skills and relating them back to people you have worked with made it interesting.

Anonymous Author
Very helpful and informative review of information. Goes into depth around the attributes of what makes an ethical leader and how to maintain this environment in the workplace. Goes beyond establishing a handbook and requiring signatures to comply.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed presentation and one that is needed to be presented to all levels of an organization. It also should be examined by new leaders as well as a refresher for more seasoned leaders to ensure you've not forgotten some core principles.

Anonymous Author
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values, guiding human behavior and decision-making. It explores questions about what is right or wrong, good or bad, and how individuals and societies ought to act

Member's Profile
This course is informative and covers many different components of being an ethical leader. I liked that it drew differences between certain terms (i.e., skills vs. traits) and stated do's and don'ts of an ethical leader.

Anonymous Author
Great course. I believe this course did a good job of outlining what it takes to ethical lead. The characteristics of a good leader encompass both traits and skills. Though used interchangeably, these terms are different.

Member's Profile
Lynn, I bet you are incredibly ethical. :) You go through the material with passion and can imprint ethical paradigms into the students. Another great course by my favorite Illumeo instructor. thank you. Larry

Anonymous Author
Always enjoy your courses and try to follow most that you have produced. The course was very informative and full of facts and personal information. I recommend this class and all her classes to interested parties.

Anonymous Author
A good overall breakdown of ethical leaders, what distinguishes them, and why they are important for any organization, Felt a bit longer than necessary but overall enjoyed the discussion and exercises.

Member's Profile
Well-structured, concise course with ample content on developing ethical leadership skills and leveraging traits inherent of ethical leaders to strengthen the ethical culture of an organization.

Anonymous Author
This course was very clear. While the overall principles of the course were very basic, it is always a helpful, and very important, reminder to keep ethical leadership at the forefront. Thanks!

Member's Profile
I enjoy listening to courses from Lynn Fountain. Her manner of speaking is very conversational and approachable. It does not sound like she is just reading from a textbook like some speakers.

Member's Profile
I appreciated the focus on this course on the journey to beocme a better ethical leader. The class addresses specific actions a leader can take to promote ethical behaviour across the company.

Member's Profile
This is such an important topic! I feel like many businesses could benefit by this presentation to their leadership team. Hopefully, I can incorporate some of these lessons in my workplace.

Anonymous Author
A course of good reflection. Definitely have some takeaways that I can incorporate into how I think about my year end evaluation process and how I message things to employee moving forward.

Anonymous Author
Great course in understanding the difference between traits and skills and the combination required for ethical leadership. Lynn's presentation is well thought out and presented clearly.

Member's Profile
This was one of the best courses I've taken on ethics. It gives a thorough overview of traits vs. skills, explains in detail the behavior of an ethical leader. I definitely recommend.

Anonymous Author
Great explanation on the difference between traits & skills and how they relate to ethics. Really enjoyed the section specific to ethical leadership and how to employ those techniques

Member's Profile
Good reminder that a good leader must have good ethics to be successful long term. It is certainly a contrast to what is on display these days. I really like all of the quotes.

Member's Profile
Excellent course. Really enjoyed learning about the topics presented here. Instructor was wonderful. Would certainly recommend this course to my friends, family, and colleagues.

Anonymous Author
This training was helpful because it helped me understand what I could do to become a more ethical leader which will in turn hopefully help my employees to be more ethical as well.

Member's Profile
Great material to use for training in the corporate environment. Good review for the ethical leader that understands all aspects of leading through doing what is right every time

Anonymous Author
The course was very insightful and I appreciated how all of the topics catered to all levels of an organization. I really appreciated the distinction between skills and traits.

Member's Profile
Great quotes but a lot was kind of basic info like traits vs skills. But still a worthwhile comprehensive view with some examples to get yu thinking about real-life situations.

Anonymous Author
Great advice and presented well. I appreciated the personal experiences shared by Lynn. I will use this in my job and the course has helped developed me as an ethical leader.

Member's Profile
A well thought out and balanced approach to ethics. Particularly enlightening on the various aspects of leadership integrity that you might not realize are part of integrity.

Member's Profile
Excellent training-real life examples, great definitions and behavior descriptions. Made this real and something to aspire to achieve in higher abilities and daily practice.

Anonymous Author
This course was brought up issues that are sometimes overlooked in the workforce. Sections were summed up by a quiz, bringing a strong conclusion to that particular session.

Anonymous Author
I like the fact that the facilitator spent the time to differentiate between traits and skills as well as to outline how traits work with the attributes of ethical behaviour.

Anonymous Author
I liked the strong examples of traits and skills and the suggestions to model ethical behavior in the workplace. All organizational levels would benefit from this course.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course and should be taken and put to action by all managers/upper-mgmt. A lot of times I hear the 'vision' but don't always see it implemented or followed

Member's Profile
I enjoyed listening to the selected quotes relating to integrity and effective leadership. The title "Ethical Leader" summarizes well the points discussed in this lecture.

Anonymous Author
I expected this course to be a rehash of the generic ethical leader - but, was surprised at how engaging and thought provoking the course was. Would definitely recommend.

Anonymous Author
Traits and Skills of the Ethical Leader is a great course. It is interesting to learn that leadership skills can be important for our daily life as well as at work place.

Member's Profile
Ethical leadership is such an important topic and this was a really great course with a lot of examples that described ethical leadership in a number of different ways.

Member's Profile
This course provides a good understanding of the difference between traits and skills and how to focus on using both traits and skills in promoting ethical leadership.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed the material. I think that the presenter kept my attention and was quick to the point. The material will be very helpful in making my team stronger.

Anonymous Author
Fantastic course - really caused me to take a step back and think about how I approach ethics with my teams and what actions we can take to better achieve our goals.

Member's Profile
Interesting course on skills and traits of an ethical leader, it emphasizes the importance of leading by example and how important tone at the top and culture are.

Anonymous Author
I appreciated realizing the difference between traits and skills, and particularly enjoyed the quotes used to reflect the concepts addressed. Highly recommended!

Anonymous Author
This course brings the theoretical and practical aspects of ethics together to provide a great learning experience to all - regardless of role. Very well done!

Anonymous Author
This course provides understand about the importance and the necessity of ethic and how to practically implement ethical behavior in real modern business world.

Anonymous Author
Professional ethics is being lost in today's era, and is of utmost importance to cultivate it. This is beneficial to a business in so many ways. Awesome topic!

Anonymous Author
This course included helpful tips on how to be an ethical leader, and how to think about the various traits and skills that contribute to ethical leadership.

Anonymous Author
Class gave an great example of what an ethical leader should be and made me think of how to become a better leader. I would recommend this course to others.

Member's Profile
One of the best course I have taken recently, period. Very well organized, great and appropriate quotes. Review questions were at the right intervals.

Anonymous Author
The material was very helpful by calling out differences between traits and skills. The material also demonstrated great traits held by ethical leaders.

Member's Profile
This is the most in-depth ethical leadership training that I have ever received. It clearly lays out traits and skills that ethical leaders should have.

Anonymous Author
This course had a broad overview of what traits and skills of an ethical leader. It asked questions to the participant rather then just give own opinion.

Member's Profile
Ethics aren't enforced in a lot of companies, rarely are they talked about. This course helped understand the importance of it and how to implement it.

Anonymous Author
Great points and feedback that really helped me think about how ethics can display itself in an organization, and things that I am experiencing today.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course and felt that I took away some key pointers on how to be an ethical leader and will bring that into my next role in consulting.

Anonymous Author
This course is beneficial to all levels of employees in any organization. The instructor conveyed the information for the course in a clear manner.

Anonymous Author
Ethics, ethics everyone thinks they are ethical but are they really? Sadly, many justify their behaviors and never give the issue a second thought.

Member's Profile
This ethics course was a refreshing take on the subject of ethics. It gave me new insight into how to think about and apply ethics in my work life.

Anonymous Author
This course is very good. I even like all the quotations provided and it provided a lot of good inputs that we can apply into our day to day work.

Member's Profile
Great, interesting and relevant course. Great presentation! Ethical Leaders are so important and understanding what that looks like is important.

Anonymous Author
Lynn Fountain presents another solid course. This ethics survey covers what it means to be an ethical leaders and ways to get there if you want.

Anonymous Author
Another great course from Lynn. I enjoy the way she presents the material and the fact that she is on the screen during the lectures. Thank you!

Member's Profile
This is a good course to build a foundation for new leaders and also serve as a reminder to leaders of the impact they have on the organization.

Member's Profile
Great coverage examples of the different ways ethics can be promoted in the workplace. Liked the examples that mid-level managers can employ.

Member's Profile
Very good ethical leadership course. Simple but effective to know how to persuade younger generations to do the right thing and lead by example

Member's Profile
This was a much less technical course, but brought up a bunch of different issues and suggestions that would be helpful in my day to day work.

Member's Profile
Great overview of what makes an ethical leader. Effective discussion of skills and traits, and how they help shape effective ethical leaders.

Anonymous Author
Some of the topics covered here should be mandatory for all organizations. Ethical leadership is something no organization should be without!

Anonymous Author
The course provides a great overview of ethics and is a great tool for leaders of all facets of the organization to know and understand.

Anonymous Author
A dive into ethical leadership and what an organization can do to encourage ethical leadership and decision-making throughout the ranks.

Anonymous Author
This is a good course for new and mid-level managers. The content contains universally accepted advice on becoming an ethical manager.

Anonymous Author
The slides were incredibly helpful with following along with the webinar. Everything was explained in detail, which was very helpful.

Member's Profile
Very insightful and interesting course. An important topic which organizations should make a priority and provide regular training.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course. It shows the benefits of a top down approach to ethics and how to positively create an ethical organization.

Anonymous Author
Another excellent course offered by Lynn Fountain. areas covered were adequately in-depth and Lynn always makes courses engaging.

Member's Profile
Very inspiring training- gives clear insight into what it takes to create a positive and ethical work environment with your team.

Member's Profile
Ethics is difficult to teach, although you would think otherwise. This is a great course to address the esoterics of the subject.

Member's Profile
This was a good reminder how everyone is always watching the leader and you are setting a tone even when you don't think you are.

Anonymous Author
The instructor brought up many good points and definitions. I especially liked the discussion on team building and communication.

Anonymous Author
The traits of passion and selflessness are not always straight forward. This course does a good job of explaining the concepts.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Clearly defines the role of management in creating and maintaining an ethical culture throughout the organization.

Anonymous Author
Fairly straightforward course. Most, if not all, accountants could benefit from these type soft skills so it's great to discuss

Member's Profile
This was a good course that dealt with some of the nuances in leadership. The content was excellent and the delivery was great.

Member's Profile
this course was too slow... i lost my attention a number of times. perhaps the topics were not specific enough to keep interest

Member's Profile
Overall the speaker presented the materials very well, lots of quotes and example. The materials were delivered very clearly.

Anonymous Author
As always, Lynn delivered a well organized and coherent course. The information presented was relatable and easy to comprehend.

Anonymous Author
I like the instructor's view on how traits and skills impact ethical decision-making. The course was informative and timely.

Anonymous Author
Useful topic for any profession. Internal auditors should make use of the presentation promoting ethics in their companies.

Anonymous Author
A very good and much needed course that everyone could benefit from. Included a lot of great examples and inspiring quotes.

Member's Profile
Very good course, thank you. I find this very useful in my day to day life and interactions with peers in my organization

Anonymous Author
This was a good overview - good reminder for leaders at any level to strive to be the most ethical version of themselves.

Member's Profile
This course has a lot of valuable information. I would recommend leaders of all levels to watch and listen to the lesson.

Anonymous Author
Excellent material and examples provided to implement an ethical perspective in the daily operations of the organization.

Anonymous Author
The course was beneficial for gaining a good understanding of ways to enhance good ethical behavior in an organization.

Member's Profile
Relatively common sense but good reminders. Stresses the importance of ethical behavior throughout the organization.

Anonymous Author
There are things I likes, nothing surprised me, I'm glad it focused on ethics and not other politically correct things

Member's Profile
This was a great course on being an ethical leader. There were great tips and tricks that I will take back to my team.

Anonymous Author
A very interesting course overall. I never gave it any thought about Skills vs Traits being different.. but very true.

Member's Profile
This was a very insightful course. I liked the extensive details in which the instructor presented the subject matter.

Anonymous Author
Gave a good broad overview of the importance of ethics and how you can help be a leader to increase ethical culture.

Anonymous Author
Great ethics review and a more specific look into how to be an ethical leader through leading by example and action.

Member's Profile
This course provided a good overview of the elements that make up ethical leadership and included practical examples.

Member's Profile
I found the training to be very intuitive. I liked the part about speaking truthfully even if not a popular subject.

Anonymous Author
There were some things in this course that really made me pause and think. Other info included I have heard before.

Anonymous Author
I like the definition of certain characteristics of ethical leaders and the message of 100% ownership/selflessness.

Anonymous Author
Great course that defines the differences between traits and skills and which are important for the ethical leader

Anonymous Author
Lynn Fountain presents this material in a organized and informative manner while making the experience enjoyable.

Anonymous Author
This is an amazing course that helps Accounting and Finance professionals strengthen their leadership knowledge.

Member's Profile
Very good job of breaking down a vital yet hard-to-grasp topic and asking challenging questions of the audience.

Anonymous Author
Clear speaker with lots of great examples. Long course but covered many areas that are critical to ethics today.

Anonymous Author
Good reminder of what it means to be an ethical leader, which can prove to be difficult in today's day and age.

Member's Profile
This course gives a crash course on ethical leadership traits and skills. Very detailed and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course on ethic leadership. I appreciated all of the quotes presented in the course materials.

Anonymous Author
This is a very great course on ethics and leadership. The presentation was very clear, concise and interesting

Member's Profile
I appreciates Lynn Fountain's "real world" experience and life examples. She cares about the subject matter.

Member's Profile
Good resource of information about the traits and skills of ethical leaders.

Anonymous Author
Well presented. Covered a broad range of aspects and was not repetitive Course was a good use of time.

Anonymous Author
ethics are necessary in all we do no matter what the profession, but especially in an accounting atmosphere.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. Easy to follow, concise and to the point. Great examples and speaker as well.

Anonymous Author
Very thorough and engaging on a rather dry topic. Not personally a fan of the emphasis on skills vs traits.

Anonymous Author
I just think the topic is very important because we have a crisis of leadership and ethics in this country.

Anonymous Author
Thorough explanation of ethical leadership. I think it could have more tangible examples and less quotes.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed the instructor and the clear slides. This was very simple to understand and informative.

Member's Profile
A great study in ethical behaviors and traits, as well as how to keep an eye on your own ethical compass.

Member's Profile
I liked the way this test was written. it forces you to think and become connected to ethical leadership.

Member's Profile
I liked the anecdotes that went along with the definitions. Easy to relate to and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
Trainer Lynn Fountain does a good job defining the traits of an ethical leader in a corporate context.

Anonymous Author
Thought this course was great and really put into perspective how to model ethical behavior for teams.

Anonymous Author
Great ideas, easy to read and listen to. Power points were great help. Great information for a leader.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher on ethics and some good points to remember and consider when leading an organization.

Anonymous Author
Another great course on ethics. A great reminder of traits and skills needed to be an ethical leader.

Anonymous Author
Very informative course. The topics discussed in the course were on point and I was pleased with it.

Anonymous Author
Excellent presentation! Thank you very much! We should always keep ethics before everything else.

Member's Profile
This is a great course if you are short on time and need to get CPEs. Easy to follow and understand.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course for leaders to review and become self aware of their own ethical traits and skills.

Member's Profile
Very helpful course. I found the traits vs. skills section to be especially useful in my day to day.

Member's Profile
This was so cool, great course and learned a ton. Thank you Lynn, you also have a super cool name )b

Anonymous Author
This course provided a good overview of behaviors that can be learned in order to grow as a leader.

Anonymous Author
Very thorough and interesting. Presented did a good job of giving examples to illustrate concepts.

Anonymous Author
great session on ethics. really helps to think through and to apply in my role is a people manager

Anonymous Author
This course provides in-depth overview of the skills and traits needed to be an effective leader.

Anonymous Author
Comprehensive course on leadership. Course met all objectives and instructor is thought provoking.

Member's Profile
Great class on how to become a great leader! Learned the traits and qualities of a great leader!

Member's Profile
I liked the comparison and contrast between traits and skills and how some qualities may overlap.

Anonymous Author
good ethics refresher course. wish there were more examples on how to execute action in workplace

Member's Profile
Great overview of ethical leadership. Good learning and implementation tips for ethical culture.

Anonymous Author
Great dive into how to be a great leader and establish a great, ethical culture within your team.

Member's Profile
Program materials were relevant and contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives

Anonymous Author
Reinforces the actions that leadership should take to promote a strong ethical work environment.

Member's Profile
Great overview of the behaviours we can display and practice to demonstrate ethical leadership.

Anonymous Author
Take the time to truly listen and internalize what the instructor is saying; this is good stuff.

Member's Profile
another cpe, that needs to be watched by the entire firm...would love the conversation after...

Member's Profile
The teacher was very informed on the topic. I would like less reading of the slides verbatim.

Member's Profile
Very interesting content and very well presented. I would highly recommend this course to all.

Anonymous Author
Very good leadership course. Great reminder about what it means to be in a leadership position

Member's Profile
I liked this course a lot and felt as though I can apply what I learned to my every day job.

Anonymous Author
Good course. Made me think about ethics and how it pertains to the organizational structure.

Member's Profile
Enjoyed this course. Lynn was interesting the way she told stories and presented the material

Member's Profile
Very well written, as it focused on specifics and not just the theory of right versus wrong.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course. The instructor was very effective in presenting the course materials.

Anonymous Author
It is always good to refresh on ethics in a work place especially in the changing culture.

Member's Profile
This is very useful information to have on hand, I will keep this deck for future reference.

Anonymous Author
This is an interesting course on Ethics. The trainer was good as well. I strongly recommend.

Member's Profile
This is a very good course. It lays the foundation on becoming an inspirational leader.

Member's Profile
A great roadmap, especially for Managers, to encourage skills to become an ethical leader.

Anonymous Author
Solid points of reference and good information. Great refresher course for everyone to use

Anonymous Author
This is a good primer on Ethical leadership and well worth the time invested in the course

Member's Profile
Well presented with a thorough set of slides to help the viewer engage with the material.

Member's Profile
A good course reminding professionals of the importance of ethics and leading by example.

Member's Profile
A refreshing way to explain ethical behavior and how to implement in one's organization.

Anonymous Author
Good insights on what leaders should have to be considered a role model in the company.

Anonymous Author
Ethics flow downward...employees will follow the management's lead in these situations.

Anonymous Author
Informative course to make sure leaders are modeling ethical behavior with their teams.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the topic. The distinction between traits and skills is a great focus.

Anonymous Author
This course was something that was very interesting. i learned a lot from this lesson.

Member's Profile
Very well done course. Happy to have taken it and feel more prepared for the workplace.

Anonymous Author
This course was worth the time and I learned alot. Take the time to take this course.

Member's Profile
Enjoyed the quotes and the slide deck overall that can be referenced at a later date.

Member's Profile
Refreshingly accurate and just the right length. To the point and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
Great course - would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in the topic.

Anonymous Author
Great information on how to make impact on company from all levels of organization.

Member's Profile
I liked how clear the examples were and how it was relatable to my work environtment.

Member's Profile
This course provided the tools neccesary to apply ehtical leadership in my workplace.

Anonymous Author
super interesting i think younger employees would benefit the most from this course

Anonymous Author
Good Course for the Basics. Much information is available on this important topic.

Member's Profile
Great review of Ethical leadership. It was a great course and I really enjoyed it.

Member's Profile
Good overall session, content was good and she was able to get into some good items

Anonymous Author
Будет не лишним перечитать это очередной раз

Anonymous Author
Well prepared and presented information on skills and traits of an ethical leader

Anonymous Author
Great course that walked through traits, skills, and goals of an ethical leader.

Anonymous Author
very interesting course and liked the depth around ethical and unethical examples

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the ethics topic. Thank you for the solid overview and course.

Anonymous Author
very useful course for everyone, not only people in higher management positions

Member's Profile
Businessssss Ethicccccs. I liked the specific descriptions and examples given.

Member's Profile
Good overview - sometimes the line between skills and traits are a bit blurry.

Anonymous Author
Good course, solid information presented in a clear way and great explanations

Member's Profile
This course provided valuable information and skills necessary to be a CPA.

Member's Profile
Excellent course for anyway that want to improve or develop a leadership role.

Anonymous Author
Recommend to attend that great course of traits and skills of ethical leader.

Anonymous Author
The points are clear and inspiring. The structure is good with proper length.

Anonymous Author
Very informative course that went into great detail about traits and skills.

Anonymous Author
A great reminder of ethics and its importance for the accounting profession!

Anonymous Author
course was good I learned about how to be an ethical leader. would recommend

Anonymous Author
Interesting conversation around being an ethical leader and inspire others.

Anonymous Author
Easy exam on ethics, but nevertheless good insights to this field of study

Anonymous Author
Great personal examples. Recommend this course to others. Good reminders.

Member's Profile
Great Course. Really covered the material in a clear and concise fashion.

Anonymous Author
I really enjoyed this course. The topic of ethics is not disussed enough.

Anonymous Author
I liked how the course detailed and explained the traits and skills areas.

Anonymous Author
Good job tying together the leadership role and the cultural environment.

Member's Profile
Training is very well structured and presented in a clear way. Thank you.

Member's Profile
Good overview of ethics. I would recommend to managers seeking guidance.

Anonymous Author
Very thorough, included several quotes that portrayed the key concepts.

Member's Profile
Good info. Liked that it tells the difference between traits and skills.

Anonymous Author
Found it useful, even though a lot of the content was common knowledge.

Member's Profile
This course makes me freshly think an ethical leader whom I want to be.

Member's Profile
Thorough discussion of ethics and good definition of traits and skills.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting course with information that is applicable to anyone.

Member's Profile
Very interesting to understand the traits and consequences of actions.

Member's Profile
Learned a lot from this course as a new audit leader. Very informative!

Member's Profile
This was informative and interesting and gave a good overview of ethics

Anonymous Author
Excellent course for applying ethical leadership in your organization.

Anonymous Author
This was a great class in understanding ethics and leadership. Thanks.

Member's Profile
good course on Ethics. I recommned for all to go through this course.

Anonymous Author
great class. it was very informative and interesting. I enjoyed it.

Member's Profile
This is a very detailed and informative course. I really enjoyed it.

Member's Profile
Great course and solid subject. This was a great refresher overall.

Member's Profile
Interesting topic, enjoyed the material. Appreciate Lynn's classes.

Anonymous Author
I found this course is relevant to its subject and informative. thx

Anonymous Author
Very informative course. I recommend to everyone, no more comments.

Anonymous Author
Very practical and applicable. Course PDF was very easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Great insight to what an ethical leader should and shouldn’t do.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the speaker and content of this ethics course very much.

Member's Profile
A good course that covers the cornerstones of ethical leadership.

Member's Profile
Great content! Lots of takeaways that can be applied immediately.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, it was very detailed and well thought out

Anonymous Author
I just became the management , and it is helpful for my new role

Anonymous Author
Amazing leadership training. Very thorough and inspiring itself.

Member's Profile
great examples and illustrations. pacing of topics is just right.

Anonymous Author
very good ethics course for all level CIA holders and auditors.

Anonymous Author
Great class, really enjoyed the presentation and inspirational.

Anonymous Author
This was one of the most engaging courses I've done on Illumeo.

Member's Profile
good info, good materials, relevant info. I have to write more

Member's Profile
A difficult subject needs more clear explanation to understand.

Member's Profile
Interesting course and was suprised at some of the discussion.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of ethics and what an ethical leader looks like.

Member's Profile
I thought the examples the speaker provider were very helpful.

Member's Profile
Thank you for developing this presentation. Great materials!!

Anonymous Author
It is a useful course to learn how Ethical leader should be.

Anonymous Author
Good course, well organized, good examples and communication.

Anonymous Author
good training about ethics, skills and traits. no surprises.

Anonymous Author
covered a lot of relevant topics and gave a lot of good tips.

Member's Profile
Good course; nice to be reminded of what matters as a leader.

Anonymous Author
Tough course but contribute to enhance the ethical knowledge.

Member's Profile
Thorough coverage of what it means to be an ethical leader.

Member's Profile
Good course appreciated the background and historical quotes

Anonymous Author
The information was presented in a clear and consice manner.

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile
Very great and easy to follow. I appreciate Ms. Lynn!!!!! :)

Member's Profile
Invaluable course on ethics: clear, engaging, and practical.

Anonymous Author
great course, clear and concise, would recommend to others

Anonymous Author
great course and important reminders on ethics, thank you!

Anonymous Author
Good course on ethics and developing ethics.

Member's Profile
The slides were presented well and were easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
What I needed. It fulfilled the ethics CPE requirements.

Member's Profile
Interesting presentation, clear and easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
Well thought out course. Good overview of the material.

Anonymous Author
Very good information presented in a well-organized way.

Member's Profile
Excellent course with content-rich and lot take ways!!!

Member's Profile
Excellent, clear and concise. Enjoyed the presentation.

Anonymous Author
A helpful course on ethics that provides good examples.

Member's Profile
Clear and concise; addressed some less obvious issues.

Anonymous Author
Insightful. I liked the portion on vision and purpose.

Member's Profile
Good subject matter and reminder of what is important.

Member's Profile
Good training Ethics are the ground for everything

Anonymous Author
The best ethics course that I have taken. Thank you!

Anonymous Author
Overall good course and material was presented well.

Anonymous Author
Traits and Skills of the Ethical Leader good course.

Anonymous Author
Great course! Easy to follow and thorough contents.

Member's Profile
Good review of concepts and provided valuation info

Anonymous Author
A good summary on the concept of ethical leadership

Anonymous Author
This was an interesting course. Good information/

Anonymous Author
Tackles an important topic from many angles

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  An Overview2:13
  Ethics Definition9:46
  The Ethical Leader8:09
  Traits vs. Skills 6:37
  Traits Vision and Purpose16:34
  Other Traits9:02
  Group Think and Justice6:45
  Honesty and Integrity9:43
  Set the Right Example7:54
  Stand, Trust and Authority18:14
  Initiative and Responsibility Leadership7:11
  What the Ethical Leader Does not Do2:35
  Becoming an Ethical Leader4:45
  Ideas to Apply11:02
Continuous Play
  The Ethical Leader2:28:50
  Slides: The Ethical LeaderPDF
  The Ethical Leader Glossary/IndexPDF