The number of cyber events continues to increase sharply. This is leading to widespread recognition that some cyber events cannot be stopped. Organizations are improving their prevention capabilities with modern technology and tools while augmenting cyber event detection and response capabilities. Previous segments have dissected portions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework related to:

  • Identify assets to protect
  • Protect assets
  • Detect threats

The next concept to visit is the respond function. Respond represents the need to develop/implement appropriate activities to take action regarding a detected cybersecurity event. In the past, organizations focused information security efforts on cyber event protection. However, adversaries have modified attack techniques to make protection much more difficult.

Respond and recovery brings together numerous processes and activities, such as business continuity and disaster recovery planning and plan execution. The respond function supports the ability to contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity event. This segment delves deeply into concepts that must be well understood and planned in order to ensure the respond function is effective.

Training for all programs related to cyber security by this trainer are utilizing the framework of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a model. This information is freely available in the public domain. For more detailed information on the framework please refer to

Learning Objectives
  • Explore the requirements of the respond function in a cyber risk assessment.
  • Identify critical concepts of response planning.
  • Identify important components of communication in the response phase.
  • Identify how to properly “analyze” for the response phase.
  • Explore steps to instill improvements as part of the response phase.
  • Explore the importance of mitigation of identified incidents as part of the response phase.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesCorporate Cyber Security Certification

  1. Cyber Threat – The Modern-Day Fraud: Breaches and Actions
  2. A Primer on Cyber Security Programs and Roles
  3. Cyber Risk Frameworks And Concepts
  4. Cyber Risk Framework - Identify Assets
  5. Cyber Risk Framework - Prioritize Assets
  6. Cyber Risk Framework - Protect Assets
  7. Cyber Risk Framework - Detect Part One
  8. Cyber Risk Framework - Detect Threats Part Two
  9. Cyber Risk Framework - Respond
  10. Cyber Risk Framework - Recover
  11. Cyber Risk Framework - Utilizing The Tier Approach
  12. Fraud and Personal Identity Theft
  13. Fraud and Business Identity Theft
18 Reviews (81 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course is very informative and comprehensive. Great for those who responsible for responding to cyber incidents and also for Internal auditors

Anonymous Author
The course is very useful for those risk management professionals who need to rethink their organizational planning efforts.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a good understanding of what Cyber Risk is why a Cyber Risk Assessment and Framework is important.

Anonymous Author
The Response phase is probably the most important phase in the NIST Framework. I enjoyed this course very much

Member's Profile
NIST can be intimidating. This series is a good breakdown of the components to make it understandable.

Anonymous Author
This is a refresher courser for me. Nothing surprised me. Beginners will benefit greatly from this.

Anonymous Author
Great course and very informative - providing insight and knowledge for responding to incidents.

Anonymous Author
The course was very useful to understand Cyber Risk Framework, especially 'respond'.

Member's Profile
Good training. Lynn presented/explained technical aspects in an easy reading material.

Anonymous Author
Very informative and comprehensive. Great for aspiring risk managers and it auditors

Anonymous Author
Nicely organized training to define the different aspects of the Response phase.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a comprehensive road map to respond to cyber incidents.

Anonymous Author
A good course covering the fourth section of the NIST Framework - Respond.

Anonymous Author
Very good course of Cyber risk frame work - respond which add value to me

Anonymous Author
The 5 steps and processes under Respond are well defined and organized

Anonymous Author
Cyber Risk Framework - Respond an excellent course highly recommend

Anonymous Author
well thought out and acceptable for cpe review purposes

Anonymous Author
Good class and relevant content. Was worth the time.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series prior to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Cyber Risk Assessment – Respond to Incidents7:57
  Mobilizing Response9:03
  Response Planning12:35
  Enterprise Response Tool5:09
  Cyber Risk Assessment – Respond to Incidents 1:17:24
  Slides: Cyber Risk Assessment – Respond to IncidentsPDF
  Cyber Risk Assessment – Respond to Incidents Glossary/IndexPDF