It's been more than 20 years since the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) released its Internal Control—Integrated Framework (the original framework). The new framework became effective in December 2014. Professionals must first obtain a basic understanding of the concepts, principles and potential impact, including changes from the 1992 framework and the key COSO components and related principles.

COSO 2013 maintains the same five components previously identified within the 1992 framework.  These include:

  • Control Environment
  • Risk Assessment
  • Control Activities
  • Information & Communication
  • Monitoring

Each component is now defined by separate principles that underlie the component.  Management and the external auditors must understand each of these principles and be able to adequately support that they exist, are appropriately designed and functioning.  In addition, the components must effectively work in combination to provide for a positive attestation to internal controls.

The Control Environment is defined as the overall attitude, awareness and actions of directors and management (i.e. "those charged with governance") regarding the internal control system and its importance to the entity.  The Control Environment is named as the first component within COSO 2013.

This course is designed to focus on the Control Environment and the five separate principles that support this component. 

  1. The organization demonstrates commitment to integrity and ethical values.
  2. The Board maintains independence from management and exercises oversight of internal control.
  3. Management establishes structure, reporting lines, and appropriate authority and responsibility.
  4. The organization demonstrates commitment to attract, develop and retain competent individuals.
  5. The organization holds individuals accountable for internal control responsibilities.

“Citations of information on the COSO framework, principles and points of focus mentioned through this course are directly worded from the COSO literature and relayed here with the permission of as a training mechanism related to their framework. The full document of the Framework can be found at”

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

7 CoursesCOSO 2013

  1. COSO 2013 Overview
  2. COSO 2013 Control Environment
  3. COSO 2013 Risk Assessment
  4. COSO 2013 Control Activity
  5. COSO 2013 Information and Communication
  6. COSO 2013 Monitoring
  7. COSO 2013 - Operational Execution
Learning Objectives
  • Defining the Control Environment for COSO 2013
  • Examine the five principles supporting the control environment.
  • Discuss points of focus that support the five principles of the control environment and how to utilize these points of focus most efficiently in your transition process.
  • Design of principles vs. execution – understanding the critical difference.
  • How the control environment sets the “tone” for the remaining components.


Last updated/reviewed: March 19, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesEthical Leadership Certification

  1. History of Ethics
  2. Ethics and the Psychology Behind the Concept - Part 2
  3. COSO 2013 Control Environment
  4. Today’s Corporate Ethical Culture - An updated course
  5. Managing Through Corporate Politics
  6. Real World Business Ethics Scenarios
  7. Relationship between Ethics, Morality, and the Law
  8. Impact of Ethics on Leadership
  9. Framework for Ethical Decision Making
  10. Keys to an Effective Code of Conduct
  11. Keys to Understanding Conflicts of Interest
  12. Whistleblower Hotlines - History and Regulations
  13. Whistleblower Hotlines - Effective Management
75 Reviews (300 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Excellent overview of the COSO 2013 Control Environment principles. I really liked Lynn's statement: "In the early years,companies focused more on the design,documentation and testing of financial controls. Evaluation of the Control Environment was often a secondary consideration." I have found this to be the case in the company that I previously worked at.

Anonymous Author
Very comprehensive and informative content The instructor explained all topics in the course in easy and friendly manner I highly recommend this course to everyone who seeks cybersecurity course or to fulfill isaca cpe for isca certifications. Many thanks to illumeo All your courses are excellent and comprehensive in all fields.

Anonymous Author
Another solid course in the COSO 2013 series focusing on the examination of the principles and POF underlying the functioning of an effective internal control environment. Very effective presentation of all of the various factors that need to be considered in evaluating any company's internal control structure.

Anonymous Author
It was very helpful to have the more in-depth discussion on this COSO component. The instructional time was just enough for me to learn without becoming distracted. Thank you! The bonus materials were informative as well. Overall, I appreciated the course.

Member's Profile
Good material with a knowledgeable instructor. Only critique would be to use specific examples from failures to demonstrate how the control environment was a major factor in the failure. I keep thinking about Andy Fastow from Enron.

Member's Profile
I felt the first question in the quiz was a trick question. "Which of the following is not an attribute or definition of the control environment?" The question should be reworded to better represent what is being asked.

Member's Profile
Ms. Fountain is a very knowledgeable specialist. Excellent training, very well rounded, clear, concise, useful. Lots of ideas to apply in the company. Excellent. I will take more of Ms. Fountain courses.

Member's Profile
Another outstanding course. The legitimacy of the IA function is dependent on the knowledge of its practicing professionals. These course are a must for all audit personnel.

Anonymous Author
This course provides an understanding of what a good control environment is and the importance of a company establishing and maintaining a good control environment.

Anonymous Author
"How should the control environment be viewed by organizations?" <--Based on the expected answer, this question is written extremely poorly & is misleading.

Anonymous Author
Great course, thank you very much Lynn. I like the unique summaries developed by Lynn and presented to the audience. The are very usable for real life.

Anonymous Author
i enjoyed this course and would recommend it to anyone looking to dive deeper into COSO control environment considerations and assessment techniques.

Anonymous Author
Perfect course.Stated learning objectives were met, stated prerequisite requirements were appropriate and sufficient and instructor was effective.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed course on control environment with practical examples. This provided very good information and background on control environment.

Anonymous Author
There are some good tips, made me critically reconsider current processes at my organization. Exam questions are quite challenging, I liked it.

Member's Profile
Helpful for anyone in finance or accounting but I think those in external and internal audit would specifically get the most from this course.

Anonymous Author
Great course providing professional insight regarding the complexities involved on evaluating an organization's control environment.

Anonymous Author
This course provides an understanding of the control environment and the importance of a company establishing and maintaining one.

Anonymous Author
I didn't realize how dated the COSO Framework that I had been using previously was! Glad they updated. Thanks for the course.

Anonymous Author
Course is great. It provides the comprehensive review of the control environment. very applicable to day to day work.

Anonymous Author
A refreshing course for me. Nothing surprised me. Beginners in the field will gain a lot from this training.

Anonymous Author
Very clear presentation, easy to follow. Illustrative examples helped to better understand the concept.

Anonymous Author
good material, it is a refresher of the things we usually overlook or we don't stop to think about

Anonymous Author
This course was informative and provided a good background to understand the control environment.

Member's Profile
It was a great summary of the main concepts regard COSO / Control Environment. Great to refresh.

Member's Profile
Great course! The instructor really communicated the elements of the control environment well

Member's Profile
Great review and refresher on internal controls and its importance in the success of a company.

Anonymous Author
Good course and learning tool, fully met course objectives. Always enjoy Ms. Fountains courses.

Anonymous Author
A good set of steps to think about and follow. Great questions though hard to get answers to.

Member's Profile
This is a good course to get a refresher on COSO and its importance within an organization.

Member's Profile
Going deeper in to COSO 2013 than I ever thought I would want to know. Good class.

Anonymous Author
Great course of COSO 2013 Control Environment that should be understand very well.

Member's Profile
This course provided a very thorough review of the COSO 2013 Control Environment.

Anonymous Author
Easy to understand explanation of COSO 2013's Control Environment Requirement

Anonymous Author
Entire course was very organized and well explained by taking live examples.

Anonymous Author
Good overall presentation on the principles of Control Environment Compliance

Anonymous Author
great information on COSO control environment compliance. great examples.

Anonymous Author
Very informative. Easy to follow and relevant to my current duties.

Anonymous Author
Course discusses the importance of control environment in a good ICS

Anonymous Author
Course was very informative and the presentation was well done.

Member's Profile
Excellent summary of the CE and its affect on an organization.

Member's Profile
Always great to learn from your perspective, Ms. Fountain!

Member's Profile
Solid overview of a very subjective component of COSO 2013

Member's Profile
Good introduction to COSO and essential integral lessons

Anonymous Author
The materials were laid out in an easy to follow manner.

Anonymous Author
Good overview of the control environment component.

Anonymous Author
COSO 2013 Control Environment is an awesome course.

Anonymous Author
Thorough and clear explanation of the concepts!

Member's Profile
Good overview of COSO 2013 control environment

Anonymous Author
Another excellent course from Lynn Fountain

Anonymous Author
It was a good training. I learned a lot.

Member's Profile
Presenter style is not very energetic.

Anonymous Author
The instructor is very knowledgeable.

Anonymous Author
Lots of great information & examples

Member's Profile
The course is well presented!

Member's Profile
Some interesting perspectives

Member's Profile
Good overview of COSO 2013.

Anonymous Author
It was a very good course

Member's Profile
I enjoyed this course.

Anonymous Author
Good COSO discussion

Member's Profile
Excellent course

Member's Profile
Well thought out

Anonymous Author
Good course.

Member's Profile
Great course

Anonymous Author
Great course

Member's Profile
Good course

Anonymous Author
Very Good!!

Member's Profile
Very good.

Anonymous Author
Nice work.

Anonymous Author
god course

Anonymous Author
Nice job

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author

Course Complexity: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Exposure to risk management


Advanced Preparation: None


Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Control Environment Definition, Attributes, and Pr
  Defining The Control Environment7:26
  Control Environment Attributes16:10
  Control Environment Principles 1 - 519:25
  Mapping CE Principles5:43
  Methods of Evaluation and Course Summary10:21
Continuous Play
  COSO 2013 Control Environment Compliance Full Video1:00:23
  Slides: Control EnvironmentPDF
  Control Environment Glossary/IndexPDF
Bonus Materials
  Bonus Material: "Controlling The Control Environment"PDF
  Bonus Material: "When the Whistle Blows"PDF
  Bonus Material: KSCPAs NewsletterPDF