While Blockchain applications are achieving great results for businesses, their benefits and implementation risks are very uncertain and difficult to predict, making Return On Investment (ROI) estimation very uncertain and difficult.

This course examines how to estimate the ROI of blockchain applications for your organization. This is far more difficult than a typical IT project because most blockchain applications require that business partners and/or customers also agree to use the blockchain.

There are dozens of factors that need to be considered in assessing the likely benefits, costs, and returns, and many of these are very intangible and subjective—difficult to put a dollar value on. This course shows how to deal with these difficulties in estimating ROI and provides an Excel spreadsheet to calculate ROI—including a range of ROI estimates, that we recommend to deal with the uncertainty.

Course Key Concepts: Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Information Technology, Return On Investment, ROI, Process Improvement, Blockchain Applications, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Decision Analysis, Business Operations, Business Strategy, Assessment

Learning Objectives
  • Discover why normal ROI calculations fail for BC assessment.
  • Discover why you should provide a range of ROI estimates and how to deal with intangibles and uncertain impacts.
  • Identify how to calculate BC application Return On Investment.
Last updated/reviewed: March 28, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

10 CoursesBlockchain Applications Analyst Certification

  1. Understanding Blockchain Technology and its Capabilities
  2. Blockchain Use in Supply Chains and Systems Integration
  3. Advanced Blockchain Business Applications
  4. Private, Permissioned, Business Blockchains
  5. Blockchain for Business Process Reengineering and Competitive Advantage
  6. How to Assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization
  7. How to do Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization
  8. Calculating Blockchain Application ROI
  9. Blockchain Design and Implementation
  10. Blockchain Advanced Uses and Future Developments
2 Reviews (12 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course was very helpful to show and walkthrough the actual ROI calculations of a scenario relating to BlockChain. Being a CPA and the propensity to rely heavily on discrete calculations, this exercise of calculating ROI provided an approach to navigate the more subjective case inputs and model across a range of scenarios.

Member's Profile
The whole course was beneficial for me. The lecturer has prepared a very comprehensive presentation and simplified to understand.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course, but completing the Illumeo courses “Understanding blockchain technology and its capabilities”, “Private, Permissioned Blockchains”, “Blockchain Applications” and “How to do Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization”, beforehand is highly recommended.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to calculating Blockchain Application ROI7:12
  Return on Investment (ROI) Formulas1:21
  Return on Investment (ROI) Calculation/Spread Provided8:43
  Return on Investment (ROI) Calculation/Spread Provided Continued12:13
  Uncertainties, Risk, and Intangible Issues of Blockchain in ROI Estimation12:27
  Key Findings and Recommendations1:15
Continuous Play
  Calculating Blockchain Application ROI43:09
Supporting Materials
  Slides: Calculating Blockchain Application ROIPDF
  Calculating Blockchain Application ROI Glossary/IndexPDF
Review And Test