Begin by learning the terminology and acronyms. After all, how can you understand how to optimize AP if you don’t understand the lingo?

Next you’ll learn why the Vendor Master Record is so critical to the execution of Purchase Orders and related Accounts Payable processes and how to keep it complete and accurate.

Discover the Procure to Pay workstream to help you better understand how it fits into AP as a whole, and how the payment process factors into the efficiency of your AP workflow.

Learn how to create a policy for managing, storing, and retaining documentation so you don’t have to deal with a black hole of paperwork — or the headache that comes with losing important information.

Next explore Purchase Orders vs Non-Purchase Order invoice transactions and how they are processed differently, as well as how to reconcile aged open payables and outstanding checks.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the definitions of acronyms commonly used in Accounts Payable (AP), the meaning of widely used terms as they relate to the Procure to Pay Work Stream which includes Accounts Payable, and the benefits of creating a Glossary of terms used within your company for the benefit of AP staff members and others working with the team.
  • Identify what roles Purchasing and Accounts Payable can play in the maintenance of Vendor Records and the key data points that should be included in any Vendor Record.
  • Identify the components of the Procure to Pay work stream and the benefits of creating a Purchase Order (PO)
  • Discover steps that could make your Payment Process more efficient and effective
  • Identify suggested steps to be taken when creating an Accounts Payable Documentation Management policy.
  • Recognize the difference between Purchase Order (PO) and Non-PO invoices.
  • Explore how aged Open Payables can impact a Company’s financials and the benefits of reconciling aged Open Payables.
  • Explore what an Accounts Payable (AP) Recovery Audit is and recognize what can be covered.
  • Discover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for use in Accounts Payable (AP) and the benefits of tracking KPIs for AP processes.
Last updated/reviewed: March 18, 2024
30 Reviews (121 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Course was very dry, but overall helpful in providing a good overview of the AP process, procedures and best practices. A lot of these items, while useful, just honestly won't apply to small businesses as there is only so much time in the day and most don't have a dedicated AP person but provides good risk framework to consider at least some minimal controls to put in place.

Anonymous Author
Some of the information was repetitive but overall, I thought this had great reminders on why we have some processes set up as we do. The "Creating an AP documentation management policy" was excellent and I would revisit this if having to start from scratch on a policy.

Anonymous Author
This course was very detailed and provided a lot of great information to take back to my team. I am looking forward to developing an AP Documentation policy and standardizing that across the company.

Anonymous Author
Hard to stay focused - presentation needs more practical examples and more human descriptions of terms and principles. Feels a little bit like a course is being read aloud from a textbook.

Anonymous Author
The Accounts Payable Optimzation was a helpful refresher for employees in both the Accounts Payable group and outside the group, such as Treasury and Procurement.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was just okay. It was kind of choppy and the layout and flow left some to be desired. It did have some good content, however.

Member's Profile
I did not like this course the material vs the exam questions for KPI and many other sections was not clear. Would not recommend this course.

Anonymous Author
Course materials not very relevant to the exam. Long course overall, but would be decent if AP is a good portion of your job responsibilities

Anonymous Author
This was a long course but overall, it was good. AP is a must-know business process and I liked the KPI section which is not often covered.

Anonymous Author
Good in depth components around AP. I found the KPI section helpful. There was some overlap in the modules but overall well done.

Anonymous Author
Very thorough explanation of the AP Process. The slides could offer more details, especially on things like best practices.

Member's Profile
Overall great course, a bit monotonous, but very clear and detailed, Good coverage of various issues that AP faces.

Member's Profile
I would recommend this training for AP staff with some experience and are seeking a developing opportunity.

Member's Profile
The automation of AP is increasing in importance so its critical to understand thoroughly the process.

Member's Profile
Some information was repeated/spread across multiple lessons - could have been organized better.

Anonymous Author
This was not as great as the other courses I have taken. The slides were not very helpful.

Member's Profile
greed breadth on best practices for AP and I appreciated the focus on automation and audits

Anonymous Author
This is a very substantial deep dive into AP. I found that the quizzes were very "deep".

Anonymous Author
A comprehensive review of large scale accounts payable department. Covers best practices.

Member's Profile
Too many topics wrapped in one. I'd recommend doing each separately and then testing.

Anonymous Author
good overview, nice to learn more about AP Recovery Audits and measuring KPIS

Anonymous Author
Extremely thorough presentation of the comprehensive Accounts Payable process.

Member's Profile
There was some overall duplication but overall this course met the objectives.

Anonymous Author
Excellent presenter. Very comprehensive insight into large a/p environments.

Anonymous Author
I learned some things and I have managed AP for over 20 years. Thank you!

Anonymous Author
Great review. Very thorough and great topics to recommend to others.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Thank you. Enjoyed the content and learned a bit.

Anonymous Author
The course provided a good overview of the AP process.

Member's Profile
This is a great course. She is such an A/P expert.

Member's Profile
Very useful presentation, goes into a lot of detail.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers( Questions)
Member's Profile
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
Accounts Payable Learn the Terminology
  Accounts Payable – Learn the Terminology Full Video23:04
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Accounts Payable - Learn the Terminologyquiz
The Vendor Master - Creating A Solid Foundation
  The Vendor Master - Creating A Solid Foundation for Accounts Payable Processing43:08
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: The Vendor Master - Creating A Solid Foundation for Accounts Payable Processingquiz
Procure to Pay Work Stream
  Procure to Pay Work Stream47:35
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Procure to Pay Work Streamquiz
Payment Process
  Payment Process: Selection, Review, Approval, Release33:29
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Payment Process: Selection, Review, Approval, Releasequiz
Creating an Accounts Payable Documentation
  Creating an Accounts Payable Documentation Management Policy37:49
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Creating an Accounts Payable Documentation Management Policyquiz
Understanding Non-(PO) Invoice Transactions
  Understanding Non-Purchase Order (PO) Invoice Transactions34:18
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Understanding Non-Purchase Order (PO) Invoice Transactionsquiz
Understanding (PO) Invoice Transactions
  Understanding Purchase Order (PO) Invoice Transactions32:59
  REVIEW QUESTIONS: Understanding Purchase Order (PO) Invoice Transactionsquiz
Reconciling Aged Open Payables
  Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding Checks39:44
  REVIEW QUESTION: Reconciling Aged Open Payables and Outstanding Checksquiz
Strengthening Vendor Relationships
  Strengthening Vendor Relationships - Steps That Can Be Taken by Accounts Payable44:12
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Strengthening Vendor Relationships - Steps That Can Be Taken by Accounts Payablequiz
Benefits of An Accounts Payable Recovery Audit
  Benefits of An Accounts Payable Recovery Audit36:38
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:Benefits of An Accounts Payable Recovery Auditquiz
KPIs and metrics for AP Manual Processes
  KPIs and metrics for Accounts Payable Manual Processes31:16
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:KPIs and metrics for Accounts Payable Manual Processesquiz
KPIs and Metrics for AP Operations Using Workflow
  KPIs and Metrics for Accounts Payable Operations Using Workflow Systems37:06
  REVIEW QUESTIONS:KPIs and Metrics for Accounts Payable Operations Using Workflow Systemsquiz
  Accounts Payable Optimization (Combined Course)ZIP