This course review the following types of IRA accounts: Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs and SEP IRAs. This course will also describe who is allowed to open and contribute to an IRA account during the taxable year as well as when taxpayers are permitted to take distributions from an IRA account.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the requirements for serving as a trustee for an IRA account.
  • Recognize the requirements for opening a traditional IRA account.
  • Recognize the maximum contribution that can be made by a taxpayer to an IRA account.
  • Discover and calculate the amount of a partial deduction to an IRA account.
  • Identify when a taxpayer must start receiving distribution from an IRA account.
  • Discover and calculate the amount of minimum distributions from an IRA account.
  • Recognize prohibited transactions for an IRA account.
  • Recognize the maximum contribution that can be made by a taxpayer to a Roth IRA account.
Last updated/reviewed: Aug 07, 2024
87 Reviews (337 ratings)


Member's Profile
Examples were only presented verbally. Showing them in the slides were have been alot more meaningful. Also, I could not hear dollar amounts mentioned in some of the examples because they were either spliced out or recorded over so all I heard was a pause. Not great IMO. Instructor mostly read directly from the slides which is one of my pet peeves. Everyone was presented textually. Some pictoral representations would have been nice. I will probably not take another course with this instructor. Most of the info presented was adequate however.

Anonymous Author
Good coverage of the various types of IRAs. I chose this course as I've been surprised recently by both my personal financial advisor's and tax-preparing CPA's lack of foresight on filings regardging IRAs (strategic advice is plentiful, but very hard to determine what forms to file when, especially for a non-taxable transaction). I'm not a tax practitioner, but I'm hoping those that are will not only give strategic advice but also tell their clients what forms to file and when.

Anonymous Author
The instructor chose to cut in what seemed to be year over year changes in the audio rather than re-record slides and it was truly hard to listen to and follow. Additionally, there were examples of calculations and scenarios but none of the steps or numbers were included in the slides which made following the example unnecessarily difficult and confusing.

Anonymous Author
Some of the verbal examples were not clear, audio kept cutting off, making it difficult to follow. Also, the age for mandatory distribution has changed in ample time for this course to have been updated with the new requirement. This course could have been updated for new age requirement since distribution is a significant component of this topic.

Member's Profile
Some or your review questions had wrong answers. At 73k, a taxpayer is just under the phase out range for 2023. and can make a full contribution. Also, an individual over age 50 can make a 7500 contribution in 2023, not 7k. Also, it was hard to follow verbal examples. Please write these out so we can visualize them.

Member's Profile
This would be a good course except for two deficiencies: 1. Voiceovers were done to update for changes in the current year. Some were garbled and some left out information. 2. There were no slides to assist the student in understanding the examples. That would go a long way towards retention of the knowledge.

Anonymous Author
The course has great information and good substance, but I was disappointed that the review and final exam questions had some outdated information. For example- the question was updated to 2023, but the options only included answers applicable to 2022 limits.

Anonymous Author
The audio quality was not particularly good. I could tell when updated information was spliced into the clip because there was a noticeable pause. Additionally, the instructor seemed like he was just reading from a prompt in a very monotone manner.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a very good overview of the different types of retirement accounts. It provided details of contribution limits, compensation limits, as well as rules for who could contribute to the particular retirement account plans.

Anonymous Author
A lot of detail on each slide. As has been mentioned, the audio seems a little off when it is adjusted for current year numbers, but is easy enough to understand. It would have been helpful for the examples to be included on the slides.

Member's Profile
Had the information needed. Could have been organized better. I had some questions come up in earlier parts that were answered later in the course e.g. how an individual could have a cost basis in a traditional IRA.

Anonymous Author
This course covers a lot of information. I think it could have been organized more effectively to cover all of a situation in one place. I felt at times the answer was in a different section than I expected.

Member's Profile
The course was very informative. It was easy to understand and the slides were easy to follow. I think the instructor could have given a few more example especially the IRA calculation examples.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course and would recommend it to anyone who prepares tax returns. But at least one of the exam questions needs to be updated with the correct information for 2022.

Member's Profile
Thorough discussion on IRA's, ROTH's, SIMPLEs, SEPS and even SAR-SEPS. What would have improved the course would have been having it geared to 2021 and not 2020.

Member's Profile
Lots of information in this one. I wonder if it could even be broken up to cover the different retirement options to allow the learner to focus on certain ones.

Anonymous Author
This course covered all of the basics of IRAs. I started the course not knowing anything about IRAs. Now I feel like I can answer a lot of questions.

Anonymous Author
very good discussion on the basic knowledge relating to Retirement accounts: Trad IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA & Simple IRA. Well worth the listening.

Member's Profile
It would be helpful to show slides when the instructor is giving an example. It is a bit challenging trying to follow when there is no visual.

Anonymous Author
This instructor organizes the material really well. Dry topic but I prefer these in-depth ones. Best comprehensive instruction in my opinion.

Member's Profile
Good for retirement planning and updating on rules and current amounts. A bit challenging to recall some amounts, but overall a good course.

Member's Profile
Some of the answers to the review questions were based on a different year than the scenario. Course was very informative and worthwhile.

Member's Profile
Course was great. Nice to have examples, but the examples are not displayed on the slides so they are of limited use and hard to follow.

Anonymous Author
Lots of good current information. Just wish recordings weren’t a little more interesting and less like reading straight from text.

Anonymous Author
Good information on the various types of retirement plans their benefits limitations rollover periods and plans for small employers

Member's Profile
I thought this was a very informative course. I learned a lot. Some was refresher, some was new. Very organized and a good layout.

Anonymous Author
Great course, very informative. I would highly recommend it as an intro to IRA. The instructor was very clear and to the point.

Anonymous Author
Thorough course. As others have said in their reviews, it's a lot of information and could be divided into separate courses.

Member's Profile
This course was very informative and was presented in a way that is very easy to understand with plenty of helpful examples.

Anonymous Author
This course gave me a lot of information for my personal accounts. I will look into other options besides a traditional IRA.

Anonymous Author
The exam had old outdated data. The PDF was of little value. The video was mostly just a person reading the PDF slides

Anonymous Author
Liked this course. It is more textbook more than anything, would have liked more examples but overall good information.

Member's Profile
Good course but believe the answers to questions are not accurate provided questions are based on 2023. Need to update.

Anonymous Author
Too much broken speaking. Author just changed the couple words to make applicable to 2023 but changes were not smooth.

Anonymous Author
Interesting course. I decided to take to get a better understanding on various investing strategies. I recommend.

Anonymous Author
This is a good course if you want to determine various options when looking into retirement accounts and ROTH IRAs.

Anonymous Author
I thought the the class was pretty useful. I learned about some types of retirement plans I do not see very often.

Anonymous Author
This is a fine basic overview of IRA's, but it needs to be updated. For example, the 70.5 RMD rule is now 72.

Member's Profile
very informative, will come back to this for references. Would like for it to be updated for 2019 year though.

Anonymous Author
The handout materials are 109 pages, but could be improved if more graphics and flowcharts were utilized.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the subject matter. However, many figures and limits have not yet been updated for Secure 2.0.

Member's Profile
Course material need to be in one file. Otherwise it was a clear presentation of the required facts.

Anonymous Author
This was a good course. I thought I knew IRAs pretty well but I still learned a lot from this course.

Member's Profile
It covered quite a bit of information, but the instructor mostly just read straight from the slides.

Anonymous Author
There are some examples he talks about that include threshold numbers, but they aren't in the slides.

Anonymous Author
Several amounts were missing. Please include slides for the examples so it's easier to follow along.

Anonymous Author
This was a great refresher course on retirement plans. The info is concise and straight to the point

Anonymous Author
This course was instructional on how to approach taxes around 2023 Individual Retirement Accounts.

Member's Profile
Good course overall. Was a great audio course that made it easy to walk and learn simultaneously.

Member's Profile
great course, thank you for the detail. would have loved to see a more comprehensive study guide.

Member's Profile
Good overview especially for individuals new to the industry. Goes into good relevant strategies.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of the topic. Tough to do since it is such a large subject with a lot of minutia.

Anonymous Author
The course was good but it would be nice to have a PDF with more detail than a glossary/index.

Anonymous Author
Good detail and overview of these topics. Definitely a lot of info packed into this course!

Anonymous Author
Very informative, would be great if scenarios were written out (easier to follow and notate)

Anonymous Author
Dull voice, odd voice-over changes from prior year, examples should be included in slides.

Member's Profile
Fantastic comprehensive course on retirement accounts and the tax changes for current year.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed outline of different retirement account options and qualifications for each.

Member's Profile
Presentation was clear and concise. Supporting material was relevant and well-organized.

Anonymous Author
Learned several new items about IRAs, but thought the material was a little confusing.

Member's Profile
Well presented in-depth analysis of all things retirement. Clear and understandable.

Member's Profile
Great course. Loved learning about the different retirement accounts. Would recommend

Member's Profile
Examples in the presentation did not have slides which made them difficult to follow

Anonymous Author
Informative, but the presenter just reads from the slides. Could be more engaging.

Anonymous Author
The examples would be better if written out. It is hard to catch by just listening.

Member's Profile
Illustrative examples of some of the calculations may be helpful in the slide deck.

Member's Profile
Totally cool IRA tips and tricks. Take this course to win the day. You can do it!

Anonymous Author
Great intro course to retirement plans. Ton of good information in the slides.

Member's Profile
Good topic and presentation of useful information that any CPA should know.

Anonymous Author
Great course, clear and concise, would recommend others to take this course

Anonymous Author
Great course and very helpful regarding a topic that has always confused me

Anonymous Author
It would be beneficial to release the wrong answers for the final exam.

Anonymous Author
Concise and clear presentation of 2024 individual retirement accounts.

Member's Profile
Information and questions are in relation to 2018 IRS regs and filings

Member's Profile
Great course, thank you very much! Great content and review. -Jeff

Anonymous Author
Would have liked to seen examples rather than just hear about them.

Anonymous Author
This course was valuable on both a personal and professional level.

Anonymous Author
Great course - would recommend to anyone interested in the topic.

Anonymous Author
Pretty good overview of the retirement plan system. good course.

Member's Profile
It was a very factual course and presented straight forward.

Anonymous Author
Would be beneficial to include written copy to the examples

Member's Profile
excellent questions and up to date with current regulations

Member's Profile
Exam question 15 does not have correct answer as an option

Member's Profile
go information. A bit long and could use some nicer tables

Anonymous Author

Member's Profile
I would have liked to had a worksheet for the examples.

Member's Profile
helpful, useful, organized, well presented information

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers( Questions)
User picture

Slides for the examples would have been helpful. There were many blanks in the narrative where years and/or dollar amounts were supposed to have been inserted for the current year but were not.

Member's Profile

I think a couple of the questions dollar amounts might need to be updated as they indicated 2024 but referenced 2023 amounts. (SEP IRA for 2024 is $69k not $66k)

Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Overview of Traditional IRAs and Retirement Planning 21:30
  IRA Contributions and Limits31:28
  Transfers, Recharacterizations, and Distributions17:04
  Overview of Roth IRAs14:02
  Rollovers and Recharacterizations8:20
  SIMPLE Plans and SEPs26:48
  2024 Individual Retirement Accounts 2:28:08
  Slides: 2024 Individual Retirement AccountsPDF
  2024 Individual Retirement Accounts GlossaryPDF